➤ Chapter 17 : Trouble in Paradise

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As Kuroo was driving you back home, he gets a group facetime call from Kenma, Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto.

"Answer that for me."

You pick up the phone.

"Y/n? Why do you have Kuroo's phone?", Lev asks. "Wait, is that his car?"

"Yeah, he's driving right now so he can't talk. Kenma, where are you?"

"His parents dragged him out so he's hiding in the bathroom", says Yaku.

"Enough about Kenma and Kuroo", Yamamoto adds. "How's your birthday/Christmas going queen?"

"It's going great, thanks. I didn't appreciate any of those embarrassing photos you any of you posted of me though."

"You looked fine", Lev laughed.

"Shit, I think my parents are here. I gotta go. Happy birthday again Y/n", Kenma says before hanging up the phone.

"We'll go too. Tell Kuroo to call back when he's not busy."

"He hears you", you say.

Yaku and Lev hang up leaving Yamamoto.

"You guys are always together. It's kind of gross."

"Shut up."

"You guys had sex yet?"

You almost choked on your saliva. You know Kuroo had heard him too because he was loud, but you didn't dare to look. "Tora, you can't just ask people that."

"I'm just saying. You guys are basically a married couple. When are you gonna make it official? It's been-"

"I'm hanging up now. Bye."

You hang up and lean back in the chair.

Taketora and his big ass mouth...

You look over to Kuroo who was completely unshaken.



"He has a point though."


"We've been seeing each other long enough but for some reason, you keep turning me down. I know you're probably fed up with me asking, but why won't you give me a chance?"

You sigh. "You know we've been over this... I'm not relationship material."

"And why not Y/n? You won't know if you don't try. You've never been afraid to hold my hand or show affection in public? What is it about commitment that scares you so much?"

"I'd rather not do this right now."

"Right...", he says disappointedly.

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