➤ Chapter 7 : Do-Over

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You weren't going to be the one to text first, so you waited. Sometime around 10 PM, you finally get a message.

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Kenma's Friend
Are you still up?


Kenma's Friend
So what days are best for you?
During the week or weekends?

doesn't matter
i'm free whenever but ik you have practice most days

Kenma's Friend
How do Tuesdays and Fridays sound?
We get off practice earlier on Fridays so it's convenient.

those days are fine.
so tomorrow?? or you wanna wait til next week?
and you can stay for maybe an hour?

Kenma's Friend
Nah. Tomorrow's good
And an hour goes by pretty quickly. I say an hour and a half.

k. and i'd rather do this somewhere more quiet so my place?
or i can come to yours if you want

Kenma's Friend
I'll come to yours, it's quicker that way.

k. see ya

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You didn't have any interactions with Kuroo at school today but as you were taking the bus home, he texted you saying he'd be at yours somewhere between 6:15 and 6:30.

The time came and Kuroo called you to let you know he was outside. You let him in and he greeted you and your mother before you escorted him to the dining room where you had set up to work. Your mother called you over.

"You didn't tell me you were bringing a friend over."

"I literally did mom, multiple times. I told you that from now until November, I'd have someone tutoring me."

"You didn't tell me it was a guy. What's his name and how well do you know each other?"

"We're not doing this today."

"I just wanna know. Is he in your school? Are you in the same class?"

"He's a grade ahead. Please don't make this weird for me."

"What's he like?"

"Bye, mom", you say walking back to the dining room.

"Sorry I kept you waiting", you say to Kuroo.

"It's fine. It wasn't that long."

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