➤ Chapter 6 : Apology

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"The way you're always barging in here, I'd think this is your house. How'd it go with Y/n?"

"Don't ask me about her", Kuroo responds.

"That bad? What did you do this time?"

"Why do you always have to assume it's me, huh? What makes you think it's not her?"

"It's never her."

"You know, I don't even know why agreed to this. She just up and left. I could've spent my time doing something I actually wanted to do."

Kuroo paces up and down Kenma's room angrily.

"Okay, that's annoying", says Kenma. "Normally I wouldn't care, but what's up?"

"She's so fucking hard to work with, Kenma. I can't help someone who can't understand a single fucking thing."

"Don't be like that. Y/n's one of the smartest people I know, but you can't blame her for not being good at everything."

"Sure, maybe she is smart in some aspects, but you're not understanding. She wasn't even fucking trying."

"I doubt that she wasn't. She's kind of a perfectionist. What did you say?"

"All I did was point out the obvious."

"Which is?"

"She's not passing. At this rate, she'll have to repeat the class next semester. I didn't do anything wrong. I told her what she needed to hear. There was no need to be a whiny bitch about it."

"How could you not see that you're wrong? Y/n hates when people insults her intelligence. Apologize to her."

"What? No. If anything she needs to apologize for wasting my time."

"You two are so alike. So prideful."

"That's disgusting. I'm nothing like her."

"Did you even try to be nice to her?"

"Yes! But she's just so-"

"Don't lie."

Silence filled the room for a few moments.

"I mean... I guess I could've spoken to her some other way. I spoke pretty loudly and people were staring. But it doesn't matter. It was a bad idea in the first place."

"You need to apologize. I'm serious", says Kenma. "You're at fault here and you're lucky she's forgiving."

"Fuck no. I'm not doing that. I'm not even tutoring her anymore."

"You will."

"And if I don't?"

"If you don't, I'll take back your keys."

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