➤ Chapter 16 : Born on Christmas Day

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You woke up the next morning in a completely different position than the one you had fallen asleep in. A heavy arm was wrapped around your head, almost suffocating. Then there was a weight on your lower body. You carefully move your head from under the crushing weight of his arm. You look down to see a leg on top of you. Cautiously, you push his leg off.

You look back up to see Kuroo still sleeping peacefully, his bedhead slightly messier than usual. Still, he looked perfect. You try to get up from your bed, only to be pulled back in and held tighter.

"Tetsurō, you have to let go."

He was still sleeping. You tried removing his hand, but it was no use. You gently shook him. "Wake up, I have to pee."

"Mmh", you hear him groan.

"I'll punch you."

"So kinky this early in the morning."

He released his grip on you. His morning voice was raspy and deeper than his regular voice. It was hot.

"You're a bad sleeper. You kept twisting and turning", he says.

"I'm the bad sleeper? I woke up to you stifling me. I'm shocked I didn't die from asphyxiation."

"You wouldn't stop moving so I had to keep you in place."

"Mmhm. You look cute when you sleep by the way."

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After using the bathroom you went downstairs to the kitchen to say good morning and see if you could sneak up some breakfast for Kuroo.

"Morning mom", you say picking up your little brother who was crying on the floor.

"Good morning love. Are you hungry?"


"Well, you can call Kuroo down. I'm sure he is too."

Your eyes widen. "Uhh... who?"

"Don't play dumb. I know you're smarter than that."

You sigh. "How did you find out?"

"I came to check if you were still asleep. Call him down."

"Oh my gosh, fine."

Surprisingly, your mother didn't seem mad which you were grateful for, but both you and Kuroo did end up getting a forty-five-minute lecture from her.


It was only 7 AM, and your phone was already blowing up with messages from Kuroo and your other friends. You opened Kuroo's messages first.

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there is no reason you're blowing up my phone at this time of day...

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