➤ Chapter 23 : Plan

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For the next week and a half, Kuroo had cut contact with you. No texts or calls. He refused to even spare you a glance in the hallways. At lunch, most of the time he'd sit at a different table with his other friends. When he did sit at your table, he made sure he sat in the spot farthest from you. It was awkward.

If you were walking in opposite directions he'd turn back and go the other way.

The only time he'd actually acknowledge you was when your eyes would meet in the hallway for a slight second. You'd give him a small smile or a wave and he'd nod or give you a small wave before looking away. You couldn't be selfish so you continued giving him space but deep down you wanted to be selfish.

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"He's still ignoring me, Kenma. He knows I hate being ignored."

"How do you manage to make this about you?", Kenma asks. "You haven't told me the full story of what happened that day in the library."

"Because it's embarrassing. I got rejected. By him. That's enough to shatter anyone's self-confidence. But I do understand how he felt now. It fucking hurts. He thinks I was only using him but I wasn't. I was with him because I wanted to be."

"Tell him that then."

"I can't. He doesn't want to talk to me. Can you do it for me?"

"No. That's for you to do. Try harder."

"He wants space."

"But he misses you."

"Yeah right, Kenma."

"He does."

"He hates me."

"Kuroo doesn't hate anyone. We both know that."

"You're forgetting he hated me for years."

"No. You hated him for years. You just gotta let him know how you really feel."

"Fuck it. Imma do it."

"Well be quick with it. Practice starts soon."

You waited for Kuroo by the door to the shoe locker rooms. His class had ended a bit later than yours that day. As he got near and noticed you, you could tell he has no intention to say anything to you. He walked straight past you and into the room.

Okay. Maybe I deserved that.

You follow him and walk back into the room.

"Tetsur- Kuroo. Can we talk?"

"Sure what's up?"

So far so good...

"How long are you gonna keep this up?"

"Keep what up?"

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