➤ Chapter 25 : Lovebirds

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That morning, you and Kuroo walked onto the school grounds hand in hand. He stepped inside to use the bathroom.

"As much as I'm happy you two are together, I'm not interested in being a third-wheel", says Kenma.

"I'm sorry Ken. I can help you find someone. I'll be the best wing woman."

"Ew. I don't want a relationship. Definitely not now at least."

"Aww. And here I thought I'd get to set you up with a pretty girl. Or a pretty orange-haired ball of sunshine from Karasuno."

"You need to stop trying to make me and Shōyō happen."

"But you guys are so cute. He's like the only other person you talk to outside of school."

"Worry about your relationship and stop trying to get me into one."

Your group of friends, Lev, Yaku, and Yamamoto, walk over to you and Kenma.

"I see you and Kuroo finally stopped playing around. Congrats", says Lev.

"I'm happy for you two", says Yaku.

"I'm still upset you chose Kuroo over me, but I'm happy for you lovebirds", Yamamoto jokes.

"Thanks a lot guys", you laugh.

Kuroo comes out of the school and walks back over to you guys. "A couple of students just congratulated me on my relationship. I don't understand how they know."

"Didn't you see Y/n's story from last night?", Yaku asks.

"No? What story?"

"Check your snap."

Kuroo pulls out his phone and checks your story to see a post you made about him while he was asleep.

"Don't tease me", you say. "I'm gonna take it down."

"Imagine being whipped. Could never be me", Yamamoto says. "City boys up by one-hundred. How you go from singing 'Act Up' to 'Cater 2 U' is beyond me."

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That night, as you were about to go to sleep, your phone vibrates.

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My Sexy Captain from Nekoma❤️

i'm getting ready to gts
i told you this five mins ago

My Sexy Captain from Nekoma❤️
Put on something warm and come outside.

that better not be your car outside my house

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