➤ Chapter 24 : Valentine

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A beautiful woman opened the door wearing nothing but a towel. She was around the same height as you and looked like she could've been three, maybe four years older than you. She had messy black hair and cat-like hazel eyes.

You originally thought it was some random girl Kuroo might've brought home, but observing her features made you realize how uncanny the resemblance was.

"Hi?", she said seeing as you were just standing there.

"Oh hi. I'm Y/n, one of Kuroo's...friends. Uh, is he home?"

"Oh, you're a friend of the rooster bitch. Yeah, he's in. Come inside, I'll get him for you."

She heads upstairs and returns a few moments later.

"He's kinda in a weird mood. He'll be down in a sec."

"Thanks... You guys look so alike. I'm guessing you're his sister."

"Unfortunately yes, though I don't think we look anything alike. Y/n was it?"


"The bitch that rejected him and broke his heart?"

"Huh?" Your eyes widened.

"Oh, he didn't put it like that. Don't look so worried. I think it was more of an ego thing so you're good."


"I think I've said too much."

Kuroo walks halfway down the stairs. "What?", he says directed at his sister. He turns his head and notices you and his eyes widen just a bit. "Oh..."

"Good luck with that one", his sister says touching your shoulder as she walked away. Kuroo came down and came over to you, still leaving some distance between.

"What are you doing here Y/n?"

"I'm here to talk."

"There's noth-"

"Don't say there's nothing to talk about. I said I came here to talk. All I need you to do is listen. Just for five minutes. You can tell me to get the fuck out when I'm done. I'll leave you alone if you don't wanna see me after that."

Kuroo exhales and takes a seat on the couch. He stares at you for a few seconds which felt like forever. "You can sit you know."

You take a seat, still leaving a bit of space in between in case he was uncomfortable.

"I'm listening."

You take a deep breath and get ready to speak.

"I was never the best with words so you're just gonna have to bear with me... You always asked me about commitment and why I seemed to have a problem with it. The truth is, I'm scared. I'm scared that if I let someone in, I'll be making myself vulnerable to being hurt."

You pause. "The guy I dated last year, though it was only for a short time, kinda messed with my head a bit. He was a third-year. I did like him but he was pretty toxic. All he ever really wanted from me was sex. He'd lash out whenever I'd say no and he would say shit like no guy wants a prude. All this was only one month into our relationship. He kept us a secret and wouldn't acknowledge me in public. He'd flirt with other girls whenever I was watching and when I came to him about it, he'd call me an insecure bitch."

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