➤ Chapter 5 : Tutoring Session

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You change your clothes and turn on your TV. Your phone lights up and you look to see a message from an unsaved number. Kuroo's number.

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Unknown Number
Finally changed your mind?

kenma did all this to help me
i'm not gonna be ungrateful
i can try to work with you for the time being

Unknown Number
Kenma can be scary sometimes so I don't blame you.
He threatened me to help you. Consider yourself lucky he ACTUALLY likes you.

when can we start

Unknown Number
Whenever is fine. It's your grades not mine.
When are you free?

can you do sunday at 3??

Unknown Number
I'm free then. We can meet up at the cafe around the block from my house.


Unknown Number
And save my number. Ik you haven't.

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Sometime during the day, you went over to Kenma's like you told him yesterday. If you were gonna be bored in the house at least you could've done it together.

"Please Kenma?"


"Why not?"

"The last time I let you bleach my hair, you fucked it up. It was all crunchy and my hair started falling out."

"I didn't know what I was doing at the time."

"It's common knowledge that you don't use cleaning bleach in your hair."

"I know what to do now, I swear."

"Thanks for offering but I'm good. Come play Minecraft with me."

After some time of playing video games with Kenma, you hear the front door open and you assume it's one of his parents which you found weird since they were never home.

"Kyanma?!", you hear a surprisingly familiar, deep voice. A surprisingly familiar, narcissistic voice.

"Hey, Kuroo", Kenma says as he hears footsteps walking into the gaming room, not bothering to look back. Kuroo walks into the room smiling but his face changes once he notices you.

"Oh... L/n."

"You just let him walk in like that? How'd you even get in here?", you say, your last sentence directed at Kuroo.

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