➤ Chapter 8 : Friendship

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"Morning, L/n", Kuroo says greeting you as you both reach the school gates together.

Why did I have to arrive at the same time as him...

"Good morning, Kuroo."

You expected him to walk off in another direction but he walked beside you.

"How was your night?"


"That didn't sound convincing."

You stop walking. "What is this about?"

"What do you mean?"

"This. The being nice thing. We don't have to be friends and talk every day to get along."

"But we should."

"And why is that?"

"Don't be like that. We have the same friend group. It's only natural."

"I have other friends."

"Name one of them."

"Fuck you."

"You wish you had the chance to fuck me. We're only making it weird for the group when we're being hostile. We had an agreement."

"Alright, alright. But we don't talk in public unless we absolutely need to."

"That beats the whole point of a friendship L/n."

"We didn't say anything about being friends."

"I didn't think it needed to be said. Stop being stubborn."

"Fine, fine. Stop calling me L/n, though. I prefer my first name."

"Y/n... okay. I still think L/n fits you more though." He pats your head.

"Quit touching me."

The first bell of the day rang. It was to let students know classes were starting in the next five minutes.

"Let me walk you to class", Kuroo says.

"It's okay, I can go alone."

He looked at you with an annoyed face. "This is why you don't have any friends. My class is in the same direction, so hurry up", he says walking off.

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You bump up with Yamamoto and Yaku in the halls and they see you walking with Kuroo.

"Y/n and Kuroo?", says Yaku. "That's a surprise. What are you doing together?"

"He's only-"

"I'm walking my new buddy to class. What else does it look like?", Kuroo says putting his arm around your shoulder. You quickly shrug him off.

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