➤ Chapter 15 : Sleepover

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"Daddy? You're home early."

"Surgery ended earlier than expected." Your father kissed your cheek. "You need something sweetheart?"

"I was looking for mom. I had a question to ask her, but since you're here..."

"What is it?"

"Let's say, and I'm speaking hypothetically, I had a friend who I invited over to spend the night. Would you let them come? And what if that friend in question so happens to be a boy?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Seriously? Just like that? You didn't even think about it?

"I trust you and that Kuroo kid won't do anything. But that's something you need to take up with your mother."

"Wait- Dad, how'd you know it was Kuroo?"

"He hangs out here a lot. Who else would it be?"

"Will you ask mom for me?"

"You should ask your mother yourself. It's her decision to make."

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"Absolutely not."

"What? Why not? You know Kuroo. You like him more than you like me."

"Yes, Y/n. But the answer is still no."

"Mom, just give me one good reason."

"Gladly. Sure he's just coming over to spend the night but what then? Hm? The next thing you know, one thing leads to another and you're going off to college six months pregnant."

"I think you're confusing your stories a little."

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The volleyball game was intense. The other team was great. The score was 25-22. They were good to the point where you thought they'd win, but Nekoma took the victory.

Kenma's parents were in town so they were dragging him out to celebrate. You said your goodbyes and walked out with Kuroo.

"Are you sure your parents are fine with me coming over?"

"Yes, Tetsu. You've asked me this so many times already."

"I just wanna make sure."

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I want a kiss."

"Ew, no. You're all sweaty."


"So no."

"You're not even gonna congratulate me?"

"I told you I'd buy you food after."

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