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Every couple has their special thing they like to do. For Mumbo and Grian, it is kissing. The two hermits kiss each other whenever they get the chance.

The alarm clock beeps. Mumbo stands up sitting on their bed and turns it off. ''Good morning, Gri'', he says and kisses Grian on the cheek.

''Morning, Mumbo'', Grian laughs, kisses Mumbo and crawls out of the bed. He puts clothes on and heads downstairs. Mumbo watches Grian go and then stands up himself.

He puts his suit on, ties the red tie and corrects his moustache. Grian is in the kitchen making breakfast. Mumbo steps down the stairs and opens a chest, taking two apples from there. He sits down on the table and puts the other apple on Grians plate.

After eating a nice breakfast the two hermits sit on the couch cuddling each other. ''What's up today, Gri?'' Mumbo asks, stroking his fingers through the blonde's soft hair. ''I'm going to upgrade my barge'', Grian giggles. ''You?'' They kiss each other before Mumbo answers. ''Iskall asked me to help with his redstone door in the Omega tree.''

The two stand up and kiss. ''Bye, Gri!'' Mumbo says and Grian takes a flight up from the ground, flying to the nearest nether portal. Mumbo smiles and takes some rockets out of his ender chest, speeds up to the sky and heads to Iskall's base.

''Hi!'' Mumbo hears a shout coming from the top of the literally massive tree. He lands gracefully. ''Hiya Iskall'', Mumbo greets, and the swedish man shakes his hand. ''How did your morning go?'' Iskall chats while they walk towards the entrance. ''Nicely, me and Grian...'' Mumbo hesitates for a slight second. Other hermits know they live in the same base, but don't know about them being closer than friends. Iskall raises an eyebrow. ''we... we had an extra nice breakfast! Grian had bought honey and bread.'' Iskall looks at Mumbo suspiciously but then shrugs his shoulders.

They work on the redstone door for many hours. Mumbo sits down and a parrot flies to his shoulder. ''Wh- oh'', Mumbo says. The parrot has a paper tied to it's leg. It is a note from Grian. Mumbo reads it.

<Hi Mumbo! I can't really trust these pesky birds but atleast I tried. While working on the barge, False came by and bought some sand. She didn't have enough money tho, so she gave me two tickets to a movie for payment. We're gonna go see it tonight! I'll pick you up from Iskall's at 6. Send this pesky idiot back with your answer. XOXO, Gri>

Mumbo smiles and blushes a little. ''Iskall, can you loan a pencil?'' He shouts. Iskall walks up to Mumbo and gives him one. ''Whatcha need it for?'' he asks. ''Oh, I got a note from Grian and i have to answer.'' Mumbo writes <Wonderful! Can't wait, XOXO> (carefully, so Iskall doesn't see), and ties the paper back, smiling. ''Heh, what did he write for you to get so happy?'' Iskall laughs, tucking the pencil back into his pocket. ''Nothing special, he's coming here at six and then I'll leave with him.'' Iskall raises an eyebrow again but doesn't say anything.

The two work hard until the door is ready. ''17:50!'' Mumbo says. ''I gotta be ready.'' He and Iskall take both the bubble elevator to get to the top. Mumbo watches the skies, concentrating, and tying his tie back again. Then he strokes his black hair to get it neater. ''Why you getting so fine?'' Iskall laughs.

Just at that second a wild Grian appears in the sky. He flys straight downwards but still manages to land in front of Mumbo without any damage. ''Hi there, tall boy'', Grian smirks, being a foot shorter. Mumbo forgets that Iskall stands next to him and lifts Grian up to his height and kisses him. Then they hear a chuckle, and the two hermits' lips separate.

''Oh yeah, Iskall's here''. Grian blushes and giggles, still being held in Mumbos arms. The moustached man is embarrassed to heaven and upon. He slowly lets Grian to the ground again. Iskall is now standing a foot from them. ''You know what, I kind of expected this'', he chuckles more. ''Have fun on your date, lovebirds.''

Grian laughs and kisses Mumbo (struggling a lot) to the cheek, while the moustached man just stands there embarrassed. Iskall and Grian start both laughing at Mumbo. Eventually Mumbo smiles and gives Grian multiple kisses as they fly away to the sunset.

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