pling plong and the keys go yeet

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grian is surprisingly good at playing the piano, and mumbo thinks it's fancy.

The hermits have all gathered at the town hall to have a little bit more relaxed meeting, just chatting, playing games and eating. Well, not all hermits are here. Only Grian, Mumbo, Stress, False, B-dubs, Scar, Impulse and Iskall.

Grian, Mumbo, Scar and B-dubs sit in a little circle with coke and chips. They talk about music. ''Remember my noteblock contraption?'' B-dubs brags. ''It took hours to make.'' ''And minutes to break'', Scar laughs, being the one who accidentally blew it up. All four of them laugh.

''Have I ever told you that I can play the piano?'' Grian says. ''No you haven't'', B-dubs seems interested. ''There's a piano right there!'' Scar points. ''You have the mayor's permission to go play it'', he winks. ''Hey!'' B-dubs laughs and pushes Scar. ''I built that piano, mister mayor.''

Mumbo hasn't said anything yet. He just looks at Grian who looks excited. ''Attention everybody!'' Scar shouts. ''Grian would like to play some piano.'' Grian laughs. ''Very formal, Scar, very.'' He tries to climb up to the stool but it's too high for him. Mumbo sighs, stands up and lifts Grian up so he can reach it. Impulse and False raise their eyebrows. Mumbo blushes a little. Stress whistles, and Mumbo gives her a murderous look.

Grian whispers a quiet 'thanks' to Mumbo and rolls his sleeves up a bit. Mumbo sits back down. Grian starts with a chord. Then he starts to play a song that everyone knows. The rickroll. Many giggle, and False has a hard time trying not to laugh. Just as Grian is about to hit the chorus, he stops and stands up very uncomfortably from the chair, and nearly trips over. ''Aw, why won't you continue?'' Iskall shouts. ''Enough for today'', Grian smiles.

He sits back with Mumbo, Scar and B-dubs. ''Amazing, dude!'' B-dubs laughs. ''Wish I could just sit on a chair and pling plong a meme.'' ''Grian needed to be lifted to the chair!'' Scar laughs and winks at Mumbo, who blushes again. Then the mayor pats B-dubs a little. The guys stand up to get more chips.

''Thanks for lifting me up'', Grian chuckles. Mumbo is in his thoughts. ''Wha- up? Yes, yes, you're welcome'', Mumbo shakes his head, his face all pink. Grian laughs at Mumbo's awkwardness and drinks the rest of his coke.

After an hour, a couple of hermits went their ways. Now there's only B-dubs, Scar, Impulse, Stress, Mumbo and Grian left. Scar and B-dubs are chatting something intense in the corner and Stress is helping Impulse carrying and opening more chips. Mumbo and Grian sit in silence. Suddenly Mumbo opens his mouth.

''C-could you teach me how to play the piano?'' he asks. Grian looks surprised and flattered. ''Well of course!'' the blonde smiles, grabs Mumbo's hand and walks to the piano. Mumbo sits on the chair (without any problems) and places his hands on the piano.

''Ok, play C major'', Grian orders. Mumbo plays it. C, E, G. ''And D major'', Grian continues. Mumbo plays D-F-A. ''Nope, that's minor'', Grian tells. ''You have to press this one, F#.'' Grian grabs Mumbo's hand. The moustached man's hand is twice the size of Grian's. The blonde moves Mumbo's hand. Mumbo plays the correct chord.

''Way to go, Mumbo!'', Impulse shouts. ''When are you gonna perform Rick Astley?'' Grian chuckles and sighs. ''Let me show you one thing, I just... can you help me get up the chair again.'' Mumbo grabs Grian's waist and carefully drops him down on the chair. Stress and Impulse whistle in unison, causing Mumbo to turn into a beetroot. ''Hey, stop it'', Grian says. ''You should whistle at those two.''

Scar has fallen asleep on B-dubs' lap. As Grian says it, B-dubs raises a finger to his lips, and forms <don't you dare wake scar up> with his mouth.

Grian shows then Mumbo a couple of other chords. ''Ok, so remember, one key can change it from major to minor. Now, could you please help me down?'' he asks embarrassed. Mumbo lifts Grian with his strong arms while blood runs up his face, making him look like a tomato. ''No need to overdo it, amor'', Grian giggles and kisses Mumbo on the cheek. Mumbo freezes and sweat starts running down his forehead.

Grian laughs cutely. ''You can let me down now~'', Grian says. ''Oh, I'm sorry'', Mumbo says and lets the blonde to the ground. Grian is a bit hyperactive and can't stop giggling. The two hermits sit down and Grian lies down on Mumbo's lap. Impulse whistles and Mumbo just straight up shows the middle finger, stroking Grians soft hair at the same time.

''Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, Mumbo...'' Grian smiles. ''You can't go more down from your height'', Mumbo says and Grian blushes, chuckling. ''Atleast I have you, tall boy.''

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