Hug - a short Grumbo story (s8)

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"Where is Mumbo?" Grian says. "I saw him build around his base a while ago, but his project seems unfinished, and Mumbo's vanished somewhere." Pearl shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe he left to buy some resources or to grind some. I'm sure he'll come back in an hour or so." "He said yesterday he has everything ready he needs for that temple, I think he might be in trouble!" Pearl smiles a bit. "Calm down, blondie. Go search for him if it's that important." "I will, thank you!" Grian says defensively. "I'll find him."

Grian searches everywhere, every shop, every grinding place, asks every hermit he sees if they've seen the moustached man. With zero luck, Grian scrolls through the places he's been to. Then he remembers something. The big boat, the blonde thinks. Buy at Boatem. Grian takes a leap to the sky. Flying gracefully, as always, he gets nearer to the Big Eye Crew shopping district. Or if it even can be called that, since the enormous boat has brought mobs to sit in the tinier boats spammed. Grian chuckles at the mess Boatem made, and takes a turn right upwards towards the gigantic shadow-caster.

The blonde lands on the edge. He blinks his eyes twice, and notices a black spot sitting at the side across the whole monstrosity. Grian narrows his eyes and starts carefully walking on the edge of the boat towards the spot. When he gets closer, he slowly becomes more and more sure it's Mumbo. Only a few meters apart, Grian swallows and takes slow footsteps towards the moustached man. "Mumbo?" he asks in the softest voice he can. Mumbo flinches a bit. "Grian? Is it you?" Grian smiles and sits next to Mumbo. "Have you been here the whole time? You disappeared in the middle of your project."

"Oh, you noticed?" Mumbo says in a tired voice. "I did", Grian answers. "And I got so worried! I've searched for you during these last two hours!" Mumbo flushes a bit. "H-has it been so long? I'm sorry. I was just feeling a bit down, and this big boat is peaceful... from the top." "Hehe, yeah. I'm sad to hear you've been feeling down." The two men sit quietly for five minutes or so, just looking at the sun slowly getting swallowed by the horizon. "I need a hug", Mumbo whispers. Grian gets a bit closer to the moustached man and hugs him. The blonde rests his head on Mumbo's shoulder. "Mmm", Grian hums and tightens the hug. Mumbo puts his hand around Grian. "I love you, Grian."

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