SFTK (Something For The King) (AU)

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[PART 2] Quick recap from the first one: King Jumbo has to get married, but he doesn't want to. Then he receives a mysterious package. Hint for this part: bagels.

"Do you think the package will make it?" Grian bursts out the fifth time after he sent it going. "I'm sure, Grian", Scar sighs. "That was pretty cute of you." Grian starts sobbing. "This is hopeless. I'm hopeless." "Aw, don't cry", Scar comforts. "You did great, and I'm sure Jumbo will respect it." Grian sniffs and walks slowly to his bedroom. Scar shakes his head a bit when he hears the door slam shut. "Bye, Grian, I'll head to work!" The scarred man walks downtown from Grian's house and opens the door to his little bagel shop. After putting up the 'open'-sign, wiping the counter and turning the oven on, his trusted customer walks in. Iskall, the counselor of the king. Could I trust this person in Grian's issue? he thinks. After a bit of chatting he asks Iskall to the back of the shop to have a talk.

"What is it, Scar?" Iskall asks, his mouth full of bagel. "Did a... certain package arrive at the royal palace today?" Iskall nearly spits the bagel out. "What? How do you...? It wasn't you, was it?" "No, no!" Scar says defensively. "It was my best buddy Grian." "The package was so cute", Iskall smiles. "So... someone finally has a crush on Mu- I mean Jumbo." "Yup, and Grian is all heartbroken by it. What did Jumbo think about it?" Iskall smiles even wider. "He liked it a lot. He blushed, and even ate the chocolate before anyone else could check if it was poisoned. And that's a lot from Jumbo." Scar grins. "So, Jumbo doesn't have a wife?" Iskall laughs a bit. "We actually just discussed that today. This is kind of a secret, but the auctority wants Jumbo to date someone within a month. Have you got a picture of this Grian?"

Scar's eyes widen. "Are you implying that they could start dating? That would mean... the world to Grian." "I am, and I know", Iskall says. "Now show me him." Scar opens his phone and shows a pic of the blonde. "Kinda cute, actually, he looks indeed cute", Iskall giggles. "Lemme go and show this to Jumbo." The Swedish man grabs his own phone out and takes a pic of the pic Scar's holding. "If we come to visit you, are you free tomorrow?" "Visit? Oh, yeah, we are. Come to Grian's house, I'll be there." Iskall nods and takes a little paper from Scar which has Grian's address in it. After a quick thanks he leaves the bagel shop. The Swedish man's having a hard time holding his excitement inside as he walks back towards the royal palace. "Oh, Mumbo, you're gonna love this!" he whispers to himself.

Iskall allows him to be checked by the guards, and after getting inside he is led by a servant to Mumbo's living room, where the king mostly spends his time. "Mumbo, I have a solution", he bursts out the exact moment Mumbo looks at him. "Oh?" the moustached man seems skeptical. "You mean, you found out who sent the package?" Iskall nods excitedly. "Remember the bagel shop I've mentioned a few times?" Mumbo grins. "Yeah. Can't go a day without you talking about bagels." Iskall opens his phone. "This. He sent it. The bagel shop owner's best friend, Grian." "Grian? Hmm. He do be looking cute", Mumbo blushes a bit. "Are you hiding some master plan from me?" Iskall rolls his eyes playfully. "No, nothing, I just... you could maybe date him."

Mumbo flinches a bit. "Date?" "Yes! You have a month, and I doubt you will find anyone better." Mumbo stays silent for a while. Iskall pushes him lightly. "You have to marry someone. Marry him." "So, it doesn't matter that he's a guy?" Iskall narrows his eyes and smiles an evil-looking smile. "The auctority didn't specify a gender. If they complain, it's their problem. Come on, Mumbo. I even have Grian's address." Mumbo's eyes light up. "I'm positive about this. Yeah, I could date him." "Wonderful! That's the spirit. We'll be visiting him tomorrow." Mumbo chuckles. "What if I tell the auctority that you basically boss me around the whole time, though it should be the exact other way?" Iskall shrugs his shoulders and makes a funny face.

The next day, Mumbo, Iskall, and two guards leave the royal palace. Mumbo doesn't even have anything particulalry 'royal' on, just a normal suit and a tiny golden bagde clipped on his chest, shaped as a crown. Iskall has his normal lime green suit on. They draw a bit of attention, but people in Hermittown are polite, so they don't get followed. Iskall checks Google Maps a few times. "Aye, this is the right address." Mumbo swallows nervously, and addresses one of the guards to knock on the door. After a while, Scar, who's visiting Grian, opens the door. Iskall winks at him, and Scar winks back. Mumbo is sweating a bit, especially when he notices Grian sitting at the table.

The king's and Grian's eyes meet for a second, and Grian blushes a deep red. Then the tiny man stands up and moves next to Scar, whispering something quickly in his friend's ear. Scar just chuckles. "Welcome, Your Highness, come in", he says, letting the king and his counselor in. Mumbo gestures to the guards to stay outside. Iskall nods approvingly as Scar speaks. "How can we help?" "Thank you", Mumbo says, his voice trembling a bit. "I would like to have a private talk with... Grian?" The blonde sweats like crazy, but slowly nods. "Yes, Your Highness, we can go to the kitchen." Mumbo follows the shaking Grian. From the corner of his eye, the moustached man can see Iskall and Scar fist bumping.

After the two enter the kitchen and Grian closes the door behind, Mumbo looks around a bit. "You have a lovely kitchen." Grian opens his mouth and closes it again. "Th-thank you, Your Highness." "But to the more important stuff, the things I want to talk about", Mumbo says and looks straight at the blonde. "I have heard that it was you who sent me a... package." "Y-yes, it was me, Your Highness", Grian manages to say. Mumbo smiles a bit. "You don't have to call me Your Highness." "W-why so?" "Well", Mumbo says with a twinkle in his eye. "If we date, it's gonna sound weird."

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