CEO stuff ;)

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(happens in season 8!) don't make mumbo have a position of power again. Also this is a bit shorter, sorry. ALSO A MASSIVE THANKS FOR 1K!!! I'M... CRYING! THANK YOU!

"So... I'm the CEO?" Mumbo exclaims confused. The rest of the Boatem all nod. "But, why me?" Scar giggles. Impulse shrugs his shoulders. "We were actually against it, but Grian made us elect you", Pearl answers. Grian grins and blushes a bit. Grian wanted me to be the CEO...? Mumbo thinks. That's... that's so sweet of him. Mumbo blushes too and locks eyes with Grian. "We could have a little talk, Mumbo? Like a meeting between the two of us." Mumbo freezes for a second at Grian's quick question. "Y-yes. Right now?" Grian smiles and drops himself down the Boatem hole and swoops gracefully on the edge of the void. Mumbo follows him.

"Be careful not to fall!" Grian giggles. Mumbo nearly slips down the void. His heart skips a beat as he shoots a rocket and stumbles up next to the blonde. "So... a meeting? Only the two of us?" Mumbo says. "Yes", Grian lets out a laugh. "I was made head of meetings. And yes, only the two of us, Mumby." Mumbo flushes red. Did Grian say it in a flirtatious way or am I imagining things? Grian acts very quirkily and cutely. He giggles from time to time and squints his eyes a lot. Mumbo thinks Grian is the cutest person to ever exist. "So... Gri, why did you make me the CEO?" the moustached man asks. "I'll answer that later", Grian says. "I've got a question for you."

"Are you happy you got this position?" "I don't know", Mumbo answers. "Last time when you tried to make me the mayor... well, let's not talk about it..." Both of the men laugh. "This time it's different", Grian explains. "You're already CEO, you're not running to be one." "I guess I am happy", Mumbo whispers. "I just- I don't know what to d-do...!" He starts to sob and buries his face in his hands. Grian immediately hugs the taller man and grabs him by his shoulders. "Mumbo, you wanted to know why I chose you?" Mumbo nods, tears running down his face.

Grian doesn't say anything, he just kisses Mumbo. Mumbo kisses back, and after what felt like hours, they separate. Grian has started sobbing too. "I love you, MumboJumbo!" he says. "I want to be close to you, I want you to feel special. I love you!" Mumbo whispers: "I love you too, Grian. And I'm happy to be the CEO, if you help me with some stuff." "Ofc I will", Grian smiles. "Meeting over."They fly out of the Boatem, Mumbo wrapping his arm around Grian's waist. They land, and Scar sees them. "Guys, guys, what is this?" he says. "I thought you had a meeting with Mumbo about CEO-stuff. Why do you look like you just cried?" Grian smirks. "Mumbo is the perfect choice for a CEO. He is good at so many things." "What, like kissing?" Pearl says from behind Scar. Grian and Mumbo both flush deep red and fall voluntarily to the void.

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