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can be read without having read "Where Am I?" first, but i recommend to go read it

After the crew captured Mumbo, they took turns in who had to guard him. Mumbo himself insisted he wouldn't hurt anyone, but no one believed him. Today, when the weather got colder, they couldn't have Mumbo sleeping on the deck anymore. This crew isn't brutal, they would never harm their captive. So, Mumbo has to sleep in the smallest cabin under the deck. But... someone has to sleep in the same room with him. "Alright, so, who's going to guard him for the night?" captain Grian asks. The whole crew has gathered on the deck. Grian points at the moustached man, who is tied to the mast. Mumbo smirks and lifts his eyebrows.

No one answers the blonde. Gem wipes her dagger against her pants, Pearl looks up to the sky, Bdubs and Scar avoid any contact, and Iskall whistles quietly. Grian sees his chance. "Well, in that case, I volunteer." "You can't!" Pearl exclaims. "What if he kills you in your sleep? We can't risk our captain!" "Do you wanna go, then?" Grian says. "No...", Pearl moves her feet a bit. "Look, crew, it's fine. We'll leave no weapons in the room, and I'll hear him if he tries to escape." Grian locks eyes with Mumbo. There's one big reason he volunteered. The captain looks at the very handsome captive they have. His messy black hair and moustache, his muscles which can be seen through the tight shirt, the overall look of the fellow pirate. Grian can feel blood rushing up his face, so he quickly looks away. "It's decided now, right? Okay, let's get ready for the night. Bdubs, anchor."

Bdubs makes a hand sign to check that he heard what Grian said, and leaves to anchor the boat. The other crew members leave to eat and wash themselves a bit. Scar, one of the strongest people on the ship, climbs up the mast (without disturbing Mumbo) and takes the sail down. Then they all wish their captain good night and leave to their cabins. While the moon rises above the horizon, Grian goes to untie the captive. "Alrighty", he says shyly. "I would have a cabin all for myself, since I'm the captain, but tonight I'll be sleeping in a small extra cabin with you. Some respect, if you may." Mumbo laughs with a deep voice. "All my respect, captain. I hate to cause this much trouble." Grian blushes a bit, holding Mumbo's big hands still while untying the ropes. "No, this is not any trouble. Follow me."

Mumbo follows Grian obediently to the small cabin. As a tall man, he has to duck a bit to fit into the room. There are two beds with patched blankets, and a small table between them. "You take the left one", Grian orders. Mumbo nods and takes off his shirt. This makes Grian stare at him for a while. Mumbo climbs onto the bed, dragging the blanket up to his chest, and closes his eyes. "Good night, captain." Grian is shocked but manages to take a grip of himself. "G-good night." He changes his robe to a sleeveless old shirt and climbs onto his bed too. Grian realises it's cold inside, and shivers. He's used to the warm cabin he has. His teeth chatter a bit.

"Are you cold?" Grian winces when he hears Mumbo's voice. He turns his head to find the taller man staring right into his soul. "I am. H-how are you not cold?" Mumbo smiles. "I actually am, a bit." Grian swallows. Mumbo blinks his eyes twice. "You could come and sleep with me." This sentence makes Grian red as a lobster. The blonde ponders on the pros and cons, while holding his breath. "Ah- I- I can't!" Mumbo doesn't even flinch. "Come on, cutie." A few seconds of silence rule the room, and then Grian groans. "Someone's gonna s-see us!" The captain doesn't understand how calm Mumbo can be about this. "Nah, it's late. Everyone's in their cabins", Mumbo persuades. He makes a tiny pause and smirks. "I know you want to." The pros in Grian's head start to win against the cons. "F-fine", he stutters. Mumbo chuckles. "Heh. Snuggle up, buddy."

Grian climbs out of his bed, and shivers. It's freezing without the blankets. Mumbo shifts a bit to the side, making room for the captain. Grian lies down next to him. Can't believe I agreed to this, he thinks. But it is warm and comfy. The blonde feels a strong arm wrap around him. Mumbo's warm body takes all the cold away. Grian closes his eyes and rests his head on the taller man's chest. Still can't believe I agreed. They lie there for a while, nearly falling asleep. Grian can hear Mumbo's heartbeat. It's calm, unlike Grian's. The captain's heart beats faster and faster every second. Suddenly, Mumbo opens his eyes. "Do you wanna kiss?" he blurts out. "W-what?" Grian shout-whispers. Now it's Mumbo's time to blush; "Nothing." Grian looks straight at his eyes. "I'm the captain of this ship. I demand you to tell me."

"...I asked if you wanted to kiss", Mumbo whispers. Silence falls again. Grian hears the wind making the waves splash onto the boat. "Yes", the blonde says after a while. "Huh?" "Yes, dummy", Grian smirks and locks his lips with Mumbo's. After Mumbo processed the situation, he kisses back. They feel the warmth of each other, ignoring everything around them. I'm the captain of this ship, as I said, Grian tries to remind himself. And Mumbo's our captive. Why is this happening? Still, he doesn't cut the kiss. Mumbo strokes Grian's soft and messy hair. Neither one of them hears the creak of the deck planks that's slowly reaching towards the cabin.

Pearl doesn't trust the captive. She would've volunteered to guard him, but they're the different gender. It would be awkward to sleep in the same cabin. She still thinks some other guy than the captain should've volunteered. Pearl thought about checking the cabin one more time. She doesn't want to wake up in the morning to a dead Grian. Pearl tries to walk quietly, but cannot stop the creaks of the planks. Creeping across the deck from her and Gem's cabin, she breathes heavily. The moon illuminates the deck. A few rats scurry around. She looks inside the cabin from the tiny window. All she can see is one empty bed, the one on the right, with Grian's robe hanging next to it. Pearl flies into a rage.

She walks in front of the cabin and slams the door open. "Mumbo Jumbo! What have you done to our captain?!" she growls. Then she realises, and looks hastily away. "What the fuck?!" Grian quickly pulls away from Mumbo. "Pearl, no, this..." "What the actual fuck, Grian?!" Mumbo hides his face into the blanket and takes his arm away from around Grian's waist. "L-look, Pearl, I was cold." Grian sits up on the bed. "C-can't you see how cold it i-is?" "You-" Pearl murmurs. "You could've gotten another blanket!" "Ah, I know..." Grian says defensively. "But he asked me to sleep with him... how could I say no?" Pearl controls her anger because she doesn't want her captain to kick her out, or anything. If it would be any other crew member, she would've slapped them right away. "He's... our... captive." Grian smirks. "And a handsome one, for that matter."

"But aren't you supposed to guard him, so he doesn't do anything reckless?" Grian chuckles. "I have a fair point against that, Pearl." "What is it?" "How do you think he could do anything, if he's here glued to me?" "Ugh", Pearl groans. She looks at Mumbo. "You haven't said anything yet." Mumbo clears his throat. When he speaks, his voice is lower than usual. "You have a cute captain", he says, without even flinching at Pearl's murderous gaze. Grian nods. "Now, Pearl, I'm sure you have many questions, but I think it's midnight. You should go back to sleep." Pearl turns around, but stops at the door. "Are you gonna sleep with him the rest of the night?" "Of course", Grian smiles. "You gotta finish what you started." The captain watches Pearl leave and then lies back on the bed, falling asleep in his captive's lap.

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