''Now just confess!''

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Kinda the whole server is trying to get Grian and Mumbo together. It's a... mess.
This wonderful concept was requested by SIothinati99! Thank you so much, hope you enjoy!

''He blushes every time he sees Grian'', Cleo laughs. She, Iskall, B-dubs and Tango are hanging out. They are talking about something very obvious. ''Yeah yeah yeah, and every time I spend time with Grian he mentions Mumbo atleast a hundred times!'' Iskall chuckles. ''I caught Grian once'', Tango tells. ''He was staring at Mumbo during a meeting!'' Everybody laughs.

''We need to get them together'', B-dubs says. Cleo claps her hands in joy. ''Totally. Are you all into that project?'' Iskall, Tango and B-dubs nod. But Iskall has something else in mind. ''Guys'', he says. ''I should get going, I need to breed some villagers.'' Everyone waves bye at the Swedish man as he flies off to the distance. ''No villager breeding in mind'', Iskall mumbles to himself. ''Something much better.''

Meanwhile, Mumbo is decorating his interior. Potted plants here and potted plants there. At the same time he's thinking about... Grian. His smile, his cute eyes, his adorable laugh. Mumbo knows it's obvious he has a crush on Grian. He's just trying to shove the feeling away. I can't date my best friend! Mumbo thinks. Then he hears a sWoOp outside.

Mumbo opens the front door. ''Hi Iskall!'', he says. ''What brings you here?'' Iskall wipes some dust off his shoulders. ''Can I come in first?'' he asks. Mumbo nods and smiles, letting Iskall in. They sit in the kitchen and drink apple juice. ''You have a crush on Grian'', Iskall exclaims right off the bat. Mumbo flushes red. ''I- no, no I don't!''

''Yes you definitely do'', Iskall smirks (ya'll know what smirk I mean). ''Ugh, ok'', Mumbo sighs. ''Is it really that obvious?'' Iskall nods and giggles. ''Do you wanna date him?'' ''Of course I do, but he's my best friend! It would ruin-'' ''No, it wouldn't ruin anything. Trust me'', Iskall says. ''Come today 6pm to the top of my Omega Tree.'' Mumbo nods confused and Iskall leaves.

Iskall flies over to Grian's. He drops down on the yard. Grian is working on his garden, so he sees Iskall immediately. ''Yo Grian!'' Iskall smiles. ''Well hello Iskall'', Grian says. ''What do you have in mind?'' ''You have a crush on Mumbo'', Iskall blurts. ''What?'' Grian blushes. ''O-oh. I do. Yes.'' Iskall raises his eyebrow. ''Do you want to date him?'' ''I really do'', Grian says quietly. ''Great, come today 6pm to the top of my Omega Tree. Bye!'' Grian shouts an 'okay' as Iskall shoots up to the sky.

Time; 6pm, location; top of the Omega Tree. Iskall chuckles slightly as he sees two figures in the sky. Grian lands two seconds before Mumbo. They look at each other, and then at Iskall. ''Glad you both made it!'' Iskall smiles. ''Now just confess.'' Mumbo and Grian both open their mouths and close them again. Mumbo is quicker than Grian. ''Okay, let's just do this quickly. Grian, do you want to be my boyfriend?''

Grian flushes scarlet. ''Yes, I actually do.'' A few seconds of silence. Then they kiss. Iskall looks at them satisfied. ''See, it wasn't so hard, eh?'' the Swedish man laughs. Mumbo rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around Grian's waist. ''You gotta explain, Iskall'', Grian says. ''Why did you do this, and why in such a hurry?'' Iskall walks towards them. ''Guess I owe an explanation.''

''So, everybody on the server knows about you two. Cleo, B-dubs and Tango are in fact making a plan to get you together at the moment.'' Mumbo and Grian look confused. ''And...'', Iskall continues. ''I thought it would be funny if you would get together outside their plan. Now we just need you two to arrive to the mayor's speech tomorrow, holding hands.'' Grian laughs. ''We can do that, can't we, honey?'' Mumbo blushes at the nickname. ''I- I guess it would be fun.''

The next day, everyone gathers outside the town hall to listen to Scar's speech. Iskall stands next to Cleo and Tango. ''Today we're gonna roll the Grian and Mumbo plan'', Cleo whispers to Iskall. The Swedish man tries not to laugh. ''Great'', he whispers back. ''Look, there they come!'' Tango says quietly. ''But... what? Are they...?'' Mumbo and Grian walk down the road holding hands. Everyone looks at them and whispers something. Nearly everyone. Iskall just stands there, wheezes, and starts giggling.

''Hello everybody'', Mumbo says as he and Grian stop in front of Tango, Iskall and Cleo. ''Are you-'', Tango stutters. ''Yes we are'', Grian smiles confidently. ''Me and my tiny fluffy bunny here have been dating for nearly 24 hours.'' ''Gri, please, no cheesy nicknames in public'', Mumbo facepalms all red. Cleo turns to Iskall. ''Did you know about this?'' she asks. ''Know?'', Iskall acts surprised. ''I caused this.''

Mumbo, Grian and Iskall all laugh as Tango and Cleo try to figure out what the heck had happened.

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