tying my shoelaces

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it's an engagemeeeeeeeeent~ between scar and his diamonds. no, really, grumbo of course.

Mumbo and Grian have been dating for three years. They are known on the server for their happiness, quirkiness and pranks. It is Monday, and Mumbo sits on a chair and chats with Impulse on discord.

<MumboJumbo 14.47>
Hiya impulse
<ImpulseSV 14.55>
sup mumbo. whyd u text me ?
<MumboJumbo 14.56>
i need ur help
<ImpulseSV 14.56>
oh ok what is it
<MumboJumbo 14.58>
I wanna propose 2 gri
<ImpulseSV 14.59>
ooh la la gr8! and y do u need me
<MumboJumbo 15.01>
im fkn nervous.... can we meet 2day at 4, my base
<ImpulseSV 15.01>
sure :)

Mumbo puts his phone down. Grian is at the moment in the shopping district, building his barge with the help of B-dubs. Time flies by fast and it's four o'clock. Mumbo hears a knock. He goes to open the door. Impulse. ''Mumbo! Don't worry! Mister Impulse is here to help!'' Impulse does finger guns. Mumbo chuckles and lets him inside.

''So...'' Impulse and Mumbo sit in the kitchen. Both of the guys take a sip from their coffee, and Impulse nearly chokes on it: ''Proposal?'' Mumbo nods. ''Y-yes. I really want to marry him.'' ''When and where? And how?'' Mumbo hesitates for a second. ''Do we have a meeting on Friday?'' ''Yes, we do. Hold on, do you plan on d-'' ''Yes, I do. In front of everyone.'' Mumbo smirks. ''As you like'', Impulse says. ''You have four days to prepare.''

Impulse and Mumbo continue chatting for a while about what Mumbo's gonna wear and so on. Mumbo decides to go with his gala-suit, a dark amber one. Then he grabs a gold ingot, lapis and a few diamonds, and heads over to Stress.

''Hello? StressMonster?'' Mumbo knocks on Stress' door. ''Well hello there Mumbo! What do you need?'' ''A ring'', Mumbo answers. ''I need you to make a golden ring with lapis decorations.'' The moustached man hands over the items to Stress. ''I'll pay you five diamonds.'' ''I'll take the offer. What is the ring for?'' she smirks. ''Um... I'm gonna propose to Gri...'' Mumbo says embarassed. ''That's really awesome!'' Stress squeals. ''I'll make the best ring that I can. Is it fine you pick it up tomorrow?'' Mumbo nods and heads back to the base.

The next day, he wakes up with Grian next to him. ''Morning babe'', Mumbo says. ''Umeooomornign...'' Grian mumbles back. Mumbo chuckles, kisses Grian on the cheek and dresses up. Then he texts Stress.

<MumboJumbo 9.10>
Stress r u awake?
<StressMonster 9.12>
awake???? i worked on the ring this whole mornin
<MumboJumbo 9.14>
LOL so can i pick it up now?
<StressMonster 9.15>
yes ofc :)
<MumboJumbo 9.15>
gr8! b there soon

Mumbo opens the front door quietly and flies away. Stress is already outside her base. ''Here you go! Myself I'm really proud.'' She hands Mumbo the ring. It's a golden smooth ring with three little lapis stones.

 It's a golden smooth ring with three little lapis stones

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''Why thank you Stress!'' Mumbo smiles and hugs her. ''I'll remember to tell Grian who made it.'' Then he shoots off to the sky and texts Impulse while gliding.

<MumboJumbo 9.36>
got the ring from stress
<ImpulseSV 9.40>
amazin! now just wait
<MumboJumbo 9.41>
yup. nervous!!!!!!!

Friday came sooner than everyone had expected. Mumbo dresses in the gala-suit right before the meeting. ''You ready to head, strawberry?'' he shouts. ''I am!'' Grian shouts back, and walks out of their base in his usual red jumper. ''Damn, honey, what's with the suit?'' he giggles. ''You'll see'', Mumbo smirks.

They arrive in Sahara and land. Grian goes away to chat with Ren. Someone pats on Mumbo's back. Impulse. ''Hey man!'' Impulse whispers. ''Nervous?'' ''No, not at all!'' Mumbo says sarcastically. Impulse chuckles. Mumbo can't be alone for even two seconds, until someone else taps him. This time it's Stress. ''Hiiii~'', she greets. ''Your gala-suit? Why? Are you gon- oh!'' Mumbo smirks meaningfully. Scar calls everyone inside the meeting room.

After a successful meeting, everyone stand up and say bye to each other. Mumbo sees his opportunity, and kneels in front of Grian. The blonde stares at Mumbo. He can nearly hear Grian's heartbeat. Oh, Mumbo thinks. I'll pull a prank. He starts tying his shoelaces. Mumbo sees Grian's eyes start to form tiny tears and he looks dissappointed.

''Just kidding, just kidding!'' Mumbo chuckles and pulls out the ring. ''Marry me.'' Grian's eyes widen and he flushes bloody red. ''I-'' The blonde shakes amd covers his face in his hands. All the hermits are watching the two. ''Of course I will!'' Grian shouts crying and hugs Mumbo. ''I got so scared you idiot!'' Mumbo laughs and hugs Grian back. ''We're the pranksters, hey? You know I had to do it.''

The other hermits aww and giggle to the whole scenario. Mumbo stands up and lifts Grian with him, and then slides the ring to his finger. They kiss. Finally it's a dream come true.

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