melting cheese

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Mumbo holds Grian a speech 🧀 (can you tell i'm getting lazier with descriptions??)

Mumbo lies on his bed and cannot sleep. All he can do is think about Grian. The very small and cute hermit. Mumbo loves him, but he's sure Grian doesn't love him back. Suddenly, he got an idea. You're a genius, Mumbo, he thinks.

The next morning Mumbo spends several hours in his office, writing something on paper, erasing and writing again. He even forgot to eat lunch. Then he flies over to the shopping district and enters a clothes shop.

''How can I help you?'' Mumbo hears Iskall say. ''Oh, nothing special, I'll just look around for a while.'' Iskall nods, and Mumbo goes to the suit aisle. Red, grey... then his eyes stop on a dark ultramarine suit with a lighter blue tie. It's expensive, 10 diamonds, but it's gonna be worth it. Mumbo walks to the check-out.

''New suit, huh?'' Iskall chats, ''What for?'' Mumbo blushes. ''Eh, nothing special.'' Iskall raises an eyebrow. ''Usually when people buy expensive suits, they have something special coming.'' ''Ugh, I said it's nothing'', Mumbo grunts. ''Gonna be 20 diamonds if you won't tell me'', Iskall chuckles. ''Not fair!'' Mumbo says. ''Damn, ok. I'm going to hold Grian a speech.'' ''Ooh la la'', Iskall smirks. ''I don't even want to hear details. 10 diamonds, thank you.'' Mumbo glances a weird look at Iskall and pays. Then he shoots off to the sky, the suit with him. Thank god Iskall didn't ask what the speech contains, Mumbo thought.

At home, he messages Grian.

<MumboJumbo 12.57>
hi Gri
<Grian 13.01>
wassup Mumbo
<MumboJumbo 13.01>
i was wondering, do you have time today?
<Grian 13.02>
yes, after 3pm i do. how come?
<MumboJumbo 13.03>
Well uhm I have something for you. Can we meet 3.15 outside your base?
<Grian 13.03>
fine for me!

Mumbo closes his phone, his heart racing like a million endermites. ''Oh shit'', he whisperes to himself. ''I've dug a grave for myself.'' Mumbo walks up to the mirror and starts brushing his hair to make it smoother.

Three and fourteen. Mumbo's heart has another million of endermites while he sits on Grian's mansion's massive stairs. At the exact moment, he sees Grian flying in the sky. The best elytra user on the server. Mumbo stares at Grian's graceful turns and sweeps. Then the blonde lands in front of him. ''You're so fiiiine today, Mumbo. What for?'' Mumbo blushes a little. The exact same question as Iskall. Could it be Iskall told him? No, he wouldn't.

''Uhm, I- I've got a speech'', Mumbo mumbles (bet 97% of you can't say that). Grian looks up in surprise. ''S-speech?'' he stutters. ''O-okay. Let's hear it.'' Mumbo clears his throat and starts.

''Grian'', Mumbo starts confidently, ''Have you noticed that I act weirdly around you? That's because I have butterflies every time we look at each other. You're so talented. Your hair is soft like a million sheep, your eyes like the black embers of a campfire. Your voice is elegant and breathtaking. Your smile makes me want to only look at it for many hours. My thoughts wander away when I'm with you, I can't think straight.'' Mumbo chuckles at the slight pun, and tears start to form in his eyes. Grian just looks at the moustached man terrified and all red.

''I- I want to be with you forever!'' Mumbo sobs. ''You're my heart, my life, my e-entire world. A-and I know you don't *hiccup* l-love me back, b-but Grian I- I don't have a crush on you. I'm madly in l-lo-o-ove!'' Mumbo drops his paper and buries his face in his hands. Grian runs to Mumbo and hugs him. ''Y-you're probs st-straight'', Mumbo hiccups. Grian laughs and hugs Mumbo tighter. ''Ha! Mumbo, you're wrong. I'm gay as hell.'' Mumbo hiccups and cries even more.

Grian lets go of the hug and grabs Mumbo's shoulders, now also crying. ''You could've just told me you love me, dear! Of course I love you back! I've been trying to tell you about my feelings but didn't have the courage!'' Mumbo smiles as diamond tears run down his cheeks. Then he kisses Grian. They sit there silently, kissing each other for a couple of minutes. Then they separate, laugh, and hug each other again.

''Dang, this has to be shown in the shopping district.'' Grian and Mumbo hear a familiar voice from the bushes. ''S-Scar!'' Grian shouts. ''How long have you been filming?!'' ''Um... the whole speech'', Scar smirks (his own smirk). ''Gotta say, Mumbo, damn! That's cheesy.'' Mumbo and Grian both stand up and start walking towards Scar, who sees that it's best to run away as fast as he can.

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