my grumbo headcanons

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yes yes definitely (completely SFW!)

- big 🥄
- loves to cuddle, stroke and pet Grian
- loves all kinds of small physical contact
- 6'6
- overprotective
- loves Grian's hair: he'll always be ruffling, stroking or brushing it
- loves hugs
- loves to wrap his arm around Grian's waist while they walk; it makes him feel safe
- nicknames he calls Grian: Gri, sweetie, dear, darling, babe, strawberry, tiny
- extremely bad at hiding his feelings

- has no problem asking Mumbo to bend down so he can kiss him
- and loves to kiss
- movie nights>>>
- 5'4 (and that's a fact)
- tries to impress Mumbo a lot with redstone
- loves to lie on Mumbo's lap
- very impatient in texting
- as he said, ''like a needy girlfriend''
- nicknames he calls Mumbo: Mumby, honey, dear, handsome, babe, sexy, everything overly cheesy
- sometimes takes randomly the hobbit tunnel just to surprise Mumbo

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