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Mumbo buys a flöwer (also this fic contains things that exactly aren't possible in minecraft, but we all know this book has been kind of a mixture of irl and mc so far, ay? don't whine :D)

"What's the best way to charm Grian?" Mumbo exclaims to Iskall, the tenth time today. Iskall chuckles loudly and stands up from his chair, patting the moustached man in the back very bro-ly. "You're too desperate, my dear friend." Mumbo walks in a circle. Iskall sighs and sits down again. "You know what, Mumbo? Buy him a flower or two. He's such a nature-person, I bet my Omega Tree of Doom he's gonna like it." Mumbo lights up. "That's actually a really good idea. But... what flowers am I gonna buy?" "Man, I do not know", Iskall laughs at his friend being all excited. "Go to Scar's shop and ask for advice there. Oh and also, people rarely shop there, so our mayor would be happy too."

"I can't ask Scar what flowers Grian would like! The rumour is gonna spread and... yeah. But I'll visit the shop. Thanks for the idea, Iskall." The Swedish man smiles. "Are you leaving for the shop?" he asks. Mumbo nods. "So can I watch your Netflix?" Mumbo laughs. "Help yourself. Bye!" Iskall smiles as an answer, and Mumbo puts his elytra on and heads towards the shopping district. He sees the cute flower shop, held by the current mayor. Conveniently, Scar is at the moment in there, organising tulips into rainbow order.

"Hi Scar! I would need one flower", Mumbo smiles awkwardly. "Only one?" Scar asks. "Fine. Can I choose which one, or do you have a preference? A tulip? Rose? Lily?" Mumbo shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea. I'm buying this flower for... someone I like." "Ooh la la." Scar smirks a Scar smirk. Mumbo chuckles with a low voice. "A red one would potentially be liked, or I don't know, but it's a good guess." "I have these little red ones, what are they called again?" Scar mutters. "Mumbo, this is kinda hard when I don't know who you like. False? Stress?"

Mumbo blushes and swallows. "It's Grian." Scar opens his mouth and closes it again. Mumbo takes a defensive tone. "Yeah, I know, he's a guy, wow." "I see zero problem in that, Mumbo", Scar lets out a laugh. "I remember Grian visiting this shop a month ago, and he mentioned he likes roses. His opinion has surely not changed. You might want one of those?" "That's cool. I'll take the prettiest rose you got." Scar walks a few steps left and picks up a beautiful blood-red rose. "This one's on me, dude. Go make Grian happy."

In the meantime, Grian is building, upgrading and tweaking his barge. After he finishes, he decides to take a little walk, to not get overly stressed by work. As the blonde passes Scar's flower shop, he sees Mumbo waving to Scar and exiting the tiny building. Mumbo makes Grian's heart race like a baby zombie. The tiny man has kept his feelings to himself for a long time. He has a rose, Grian thinks. Dammit. I bet it's for someone he likes. Which is not me, to be sure. Mumbo doesn't notice Grian, which isn't a surprise, since the blonde is shyly behind a potted plant to avoid contact. Grian watches in awe as Mumbo flies away until nothing but a small dot is seen in the sky.

At his home, Mumbo greets Iskall who is glued to the couch, and places the rose gently on his table, so it doesn't get damaged. Then he closes the TV right in front of Iskall's eyes. "Hey, I was watching that!" the Swedish man groans. Mumbo laughs. "Enough of using my subscription today." "Ha. Did you get the flower? What did you choose?" "I chose a rose, and Scar was so curious I was basically forced to reveal who the flower is to", Mumbo tells. "But now I have it." "Cool", Iskall says. "How are you gonna give it to him?" Mumbo thinks about it for a couple of seconds. "I'm going to visit his hobbit hole and give it, in person." "God", Iskall sighs. "Brave of you. Good luck. Can you please turn the TV back on now?"

Mumbo presses the poor remote controller's power button and leaves his hobbit hole. The moustached man knows the way to Grian's base even with his eyes closed. For the sake of safety, he does keep his eyes open while flying. Mumbo lands gracefully right in the centre of Grian's tiny yard. Then he knocks on the door. A few footsteps can be heard, and then Grian opens his door. Surprised and nervous, he lets Mumbo in. The taller man is holding the rose behind his back, and Grian is too busy gay panicking so he doesn't notice it. "Hello Gri", Mumbo smiles. "H-hi Mumbo", Grian stutters. "I- uh- yeah, hi." Mumbo walks a bit closer to the blonde, resulting in Grian sweating like crazy.

Mumbo raises his eyebrows and pulls out the rose. Grian looks at it shocked. "Is it f-for me?" the tiny man whispers. "Silly", Mumbo chuckles. "Of course." Grian takes the rose with shaky hands. Mumbo kisses the blonde's forehead. Suddenly, Grian is back on planet earth. "Come on, is that all what I get?" Mumbo laughs silently. "Sigh, fine, you pesky bird." The moustached man kisses Grian on the lips. After a while, they separate, and Grian puts the rose in a vase. "Wanna stay over for a bit, Mumby?" "I guess I could. We'll let Iskall use my Netflix for a couple of hours more."

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