short Kingdom AU stories + A/N

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So, hi! I've recently focused mostly on the Kingdom AU world (SFTK), and that's why I wrote these, as to fill in the plot. I edited SFTK a bit, so you might want to go check out the improved version from one of the previous chapters called "SFTK (Something For The King)" in this book. The major change is that Grian had had a crush on Mumbo for longer, and Scar also knew about it for longer. It just makes more sense, in my opinion. The only thing that I edited was the third and fourth paragraph from part one! You can still read the old paragraphs here, I put it after the short stories. Enjoy! Also, what in the fried shrimp is over 7k reads??? Ya'll crazy!!! TYSM!!!

table of contents:
KINGDOM AU SHORT STORIES #2 - bookshop prince
KINGDOM AU SHORT STORIES #3 - my parents, ya'll
ORIGINAL VERSION OF "SFTK" - third and fourth paragraphs from part one

hey, kiddo

Grian walks around downtown, trying to find a certain address. The blonde teenager had read about a rainbow café on the internet, and now he's searching for it. He doesn't want to ask for instructions, since you never know when someone is gonna bully you. After a while, Grian can see a little window with a rainbow flag in it. He sighs relieved, and walks in. There's a cozy feeling to it. Grian looks around shyly, trying to see if he's being looked at, or something else as bad. He's sweating a bit. Grian feels like the world is against him being there. Slowly walking to the counter, he gets in the line.

After a few customers, it is Grian's turn. The tiny boy looks awkwardly up at the person behind the counter. They're tall with two big scars on their nose, and an oxygen tube. They have a bold black jacket on. Grian looks up at their curly brown hair. "H-hello, I would like to have two pins and a chocolate biscuit." "Alright, which pins?" Grian gets a bit shocked by their low and charismatic voice. "A gay flag one, the turquoise and blue one, not the rainbow one, and a "he/him" pronoun pin, thank you." In a couple of seconds, two metallic pins and a plate with a biscuit is put in front of Grian. The blonde hands some coins over. "Thanks, kiddo. I'm gay too." The person moves aside his jacket a bit to reveal the same pins that Grian had bought.

"Oh, cool", Grian smiles awkwardly. "We match." "We do. My name is Scar, what about you?" Scar asks and smiles back. "I'm Grian. Nice to meet you." "Sup, Grian. You seem good, I wanna get to know you more. My shift ends soon, so be around, aye?" "Alright", Grian nods and leaves the counter to sit at a table. He attaches the pins to his red jumper and bites the biscuit. He looks around a bit more, and notices the wall is filled to the brim with various flags, which of many Grian doesn't even recognise. There's lots of people chatting and laughing, having fun with their friends and partners. Grian takes another bite out of the delicious biscuit. Good thing I found this place, he thinks. I could come here more often.

"Hi." Grian flinches. "Oh, hello, Scar." Scar chuckles a bit. "Is it your first time in this place?" Grian nods. "I suppose it's not for you, since you work here." The scarred man smirks. "I'm 27, so I've visited this place since it was grounded. I only work part-time, tho, I'm trying to start my own business in bagels. I have one of those café bikes, you know." Grian giggles a bit. This guy is cool, he thinks. From the jacket to the charisma... he must be popular. "I wanna tell you one interesting fact about me." Grian nods excitedly. Scar takes a tiny pause and breathes out, triumphantly. "I know Iskall 85 personally." Grian's eyes widen. "What? The king's counselor?"

Scar laughs. "That always gets people to look up to me." "If you know 85, does that mean you have seen Jumbo?" "Indeed", Scar states. "W-wow!" Grian blushes a bit. "How is he? I- What was he like? Have you spoken to him? W-what did he say?" "Ha. Someone has a crush." "Never!" Grian speaks defensively, although it's obvious. "Can't blame you. Jumbo do be cute." Grian groans in a low voice. "Fuck you." "Aw, honey, I'm taken." Scar chuckles. "It would also be illegal", Grian says. "Yeah, I don't care about that one." There's a few seconds of silence. Grian looks at smirking Scar all red."I like your energy, kiddo", Scar chats. "Come visit my bagel bike someday after school. It's next to the bookstore." Grian agrees and stands up. "It was nice meeting you, Scar." "Same, kiddo. See ya around."

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