game of types

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A party. Truth or dare. Grian and Tango being the ✨pesky birds✨ they are.

''Party! All invited!'' Mumbo hears B-dubs shout while flying on his elytra. He lands in front of Mumbo and hands a custom map. ''I'll be there'', Mumbo smiles and watches B-dubs fly over to Scar's village.

<Everyone on the server is invited to a big party in the shopping district, hosted by BDouble0100, Tango and ZombieCleo. Starts on Friday 6pm. Feel free to do anything with your friends. Please bring food too :)>

Mumbo glances at the map. Wonder if Grian will come? Mumbo thinks. And what food am I gonna bring...? He finally decides to bring chicken, because he has a meat farm. Friday is already tomorrow, so Mumbo AFK's a couple of hours in his farm.

The date arrived sooner than everyone expected. Mumbo arrived to the shopping district point six. He sees a table full of barrels, chests and shulker boxes, so he puts his shulker box there and labels it 'chicken'. Then he sees Grian chatting with Scar and Tango. ''Hi guys!'' Mumbo greets. ''Hiya Mumbo!'' Tango waves at him. ''What did you bring?'' ''Chicken. You?'' ''Well, me and the other hosts brought cake, sandwiches and candy.'' ''Pommac'', Grian says. ''Cookies!'' Scar winks.

Mumbo look at Grians, and their eyes meet for a split second, both of them turning a deep scarlet. Mumbo's heart thumps and he can't hear anything but patting for a couple of seconds. '' there's two groups playing truth or dare so might join those.'' Mumbo hears vaguely what Tango explains. He nods hastily and Scar and him go to sit with Iskall, Stress, Cleo, Impulse, B-dubs and Ren.

''Nice, we were just about to start!'' Cleo says happily at Scar and Mumbo. She makes some room in the circle. ''Ren, you start.'' ''Alrighty'', Ren says. ''Impulse, truth or dare?'' ''Dare'', Impulse answers a bit too fast. ''Coward~'', Ren teases and Impulse blushes. ''Ok. Go to the other group, say 'I wanna switch places in groups with someone' and then really switch.'' ''You want me to leave, huh?'' Impulse smirks. ''N-no!'' Ren stutters. ''I just thought this would be funny.'' Impulse chuckles, and the group watches him walk over to the other group and do his dare.

After a minute, a very confused Keralis has switched places with Impulse. Cleo looks excited. ''Haha! Ok, Keralis, welcome, you get to choose.'' Keralis nods. ''Mumbo, truth or dare?'' ''I- truth?'' Mumbo answers. ''What's your type?'' Keralis raises his eyebrows. Mumbo blushes. ''My... type...'', he mumbles. ''Truth, Mumbo'', Iskall smirks.

''My-'', Mumbo decides to go all in. ''My type is... short, blonde, cute, extrovert, and good at building. I also like guys with good sense of humor.'' He doesn't even realize he had just described Grian perfectly, he gets shook by the fact that he blurted out 'guys'. Everybody's eyes widen a bit. Mumbo starts to shake and covers his face in his hands.

''Are you... gay, Mumbo?'' B-dubs asks. Mumbo nods embarassed. Scar pats Mumbo's back. ''Come on, dude, there's nothing wrong with it!'' he laughs. ''It was brave of you to come out like this.'' Mumbo hugs Scar lightly and everyone smile. Mumbo smiles shyly back.

In the other group, consisting of Grian, Impulse, False, Doc, Etho and Tango, it is now False's turn. ''Grian'', she says. ''Truth or dare?'' ''Truth'', Grian smiles. ''Alrighty'', False smiles. ''Tell us your type.'' Grian smirks. ''My type is good-looking, smart, talks passionately, wants to hug and cuddle. I also would like him to be tall.''

''Him?'' Tango asks in surprise. ''Yup'', Grian nods proudly. ''Your gay best friend is here.'' Everyone laughs, congratulates, and pats Grian on his back. Doc ruffles his hair and Etho high-fives the blonde.

After a while the truth or dare -groups separated and everyone went just chatting. Grian is getting more chips. ''Sup'', Tango whispers. ''Jeez, Tango!'' Grian shout-whispers back. ''What do you want...?'' ''Come here, so no one hears us.'' Tango drags Grian to a corner. ''Your explanation about your type...'', Tango starts. Grian flushes red. ''There's one person on the server who matches all of it.''

Grian's stomach does a backflip. ''Mumbo'', Tango smirks. ''You must have a crush on Mumbo.'' Grian nods. ''Yeah, but he's not ga-'' ''He is'', Tango interrupts. ''I overheard their truth or dare. Keralis asked Mumbo his type.'' Grian's face is now a deep shade of scarlet. ''His type is exactly you'', Tango whispers and starts to mimic Mumbo's clear and happy voice. ''Short, blonde, cute, extrovert, good at building. Good sense of humor.''

Grian chuckles at Tango's bad imitating. ''S-sounds a lot like me, yeah'', Grian smirks. Tango smirks back. ''Do you want to ask Mumbo out?'', Tango asks. ''Yes, but how?'' Grian suspects. ''I have an idea...'', Tango chuckles.

''Hey everyone!'' Tango climbs on the table. ''Wanna play a game called Yes or No? The rules are that a person asks another person seven questions, but you can only answer yes or no.'' Many shout yes (lol) and everyone sits in a circle. ''Grian, you can start'', Tango says. This goes just as planned.

''Mumby~'', Grian smirks. Mumbo flushes pink and nods. ''Is my jumper red?'' ''Yes...?'' Mumbo answers. ''Is my jumper red?'' Grian asks again. ''Y-yes?'' Mumbo answers confused. ''Is my jumper red?'' ''Yes.'' ''Is my jumper red...?'' ''Yes...!'' ''Is my jumper red?'' ''Come on, why the same again, yes!'' ''Iiiiiiis my jumper red?'' ''Argh, YES!'' ''Will you go out with me?'' ''Oh my fucking god Grian, YES!'' Mumbo blurts out and then notices his mistake. Grian just plays it cool.

''Excellent! I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven.'' Mumbo's blood starts to boil inside his face. He looks at everybody else, who are shook and whistling, and at Tango, who smiles meaningfully at Grian. The blonde stands up, walks to Mumbo and offers his hand to the much taller man. Mumbo grabs Grian's hand and stands up. Grian smiles his most optimistic and dorky smile, and Mumbo cannot help but smile himself too.

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