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confetti confess-y

<Grian 10.46>
<MumboJumbo 10.48>
<Grian 10.48>
i need help with redstone again
<MumboJumbo 10.49>
Again? LOL coming soon!

Mumbo closes his phone. He gets up. Grian with redstone problems again, Mumbo thinks. He is so good in everything but that. He blushes a bit to the thought of going over to Grian's. Elytra on, rockets in hand, shoot to the sky.

Mumbo lands on Grian's mansion's stairs, where the builder himself is. ''Hiya Mumbo! So glad you could come.'' Mumbo smiles. ''Hi. What's the problem?'' Grian blushes. ''Oh yeah... I was building a mob farm but my automatic storage system blew up'', he chuckles with a low voice. ''And can't remember how to fix it.'' Mumbo smirks. ''Creeper, huh? I know these systems, luckily. Just show me the place.''

After seeing the problem, Mumbo knows it's not a big deal to fix. It's just that... it's so easy even Grian could fix it. Mumbo asks for some redstone and a comparator. Grian acts weirdly. Mumbo can feel his stare when bending down to place items. Both of the men don't know what to say. ''Um... it's fi-fixed now'', Mumbo stutters. Grian seems hexed and just looks at Mumbo. ''Y-yeah! Good! Thank you! See ya!'' Grian flushes cherry red. Mumbo leaves his heart thumping like thunder.

After arriving at his own base, he chucks stuff in chests and goes to his office. He takes out a black notebook and a pen. What is he writing?

<14.8.2021 Dear diary, today Grian messaged me, saying he needed help with redstone. As usual. But when I arrived there to fix stuff, it was... it looked like Grian had broken the blocks himself. And it was so easy to fix he could've done it himself! Why did he message me then? Did he want to see me? But he could've just messaged me to hang out. Grian also acted weirdly. He blushed all the time and I felt him stare at me. It was awkward. I really like Grian! He's an amazing guy. I think I have a crush on this sweet builder. ~Mumbo>

As the moustached man signs the page, he hears his doorbell ring. He mistakenly leaves the book open and rushes to the door. ''Oh, Scar! What a pleasant surprise.'' Scar smiles. ''Sup Mumbo! Hope I didn't disturb anything.'' ''No, not at all. Come inside. What's in your mind?'' Mumbo lets Scar inside and they sit in the kitchen.

''So, Mumbo... I came here because I don't have.... oh and coffee thank you'', Scar answers to Mumbo who holds coffee and tea in his hands. ''I don't have any gold, and my elytra is broken, so I can't fly to the shopping district. Your base is near mine! Mind selling some, like a stack?'' ''I can give you a stack, no problem in payment. I'll be right back'', Mumbo smiles, gives Scar his coffee, and heads downstairs to his storage system. Scar takes a look around Mumbo's base while he's getting the gold. Holding the coffee cup in his hand, Scar enters Mumbo's office, where his diary is open wide on the table. Scar doesn't realise he's reading a diary.

''Mumbo really likes brain? Brian? Who's Brian? Wait... Grian? 'He's amazing and a guy' What? Scar, for real, you can't read shit.... 'I think I have a brush'. A brush? Oh, a crush. 'On this wheat builder?' Is Grian a wheat builder...? Dammit Scar, it says 'sweet'. This is fresh tea. I'll go tell Grian himself'', Scar mutters while struggling to read the diary. Then he takes a big sip of his coffee. Scar can hear Mumbo climbing upstairs so he quickly exits the office, drinks the rest of the coffee, and sits on the kitchen chair again. ''There you go. Sorry, couldn't find it quickly'', Mumbo drops Scar a stack of gold ingots. ''No problem, thank you Mumbo so much!'' Scar says and leaves.

Scar doesn't even remember what he's going to do with the gold. He runs directly to Grian's. "Yoo-hoo! The wizard here!" Scar laughs. Grian opens his door. "Haha! Hi Scar. What brings you to my hobbit hole?" "I got tea", Scar smirks (a Scar smirk). "Tea? Like... drink?" Grian asks, confused. "No", Scar answers and gets closer to Grian. "Rumours. Tea. Mumbo likes you." Grian's cheeks turn slightly pink. "We're best friends. Ofc he likes me", the blonde says, but Scar can see he understood it perfectly fine. "Ugh, come on, dude. Mumbo likes-likes you." Grian flushes cherry red. "How do you know that?"

"I read Mumbo's diary by accident", Scar chuckles. "Accident?", Grian laughs. "Scar, it takes you half an hour to read a sentence." The wizard laughs too. "Come on, don't you want to have a boyfriend?" Grian blushes again. "I- I suppose I could use a Mumbo in my life." "Wonderful!" Scar lights up. "Let's go to Mumbo's base right now!" "Right now?!?" Grian panics. "But- I'm wearing my dirty jumper and haven't brushed my hair and my sh-" Scar interrupts Grian. "Ok, go dress up a bit. Nothing too fancy tho. Not like you're gonna propose." Grian sighs nervously.

Scar waits for ten minutes, and then he sees a cleaned-up Grian. Smooth hair, fresh jumper, and clean shoes. "Dude, did you curl your tiny bangs?" Scar wheezes. "I did. Mumbo once said I'd look good in slightly curled hair." "Wow, you really remember what he said." Grian blushes a bit. "I really like Mumbo. And I remember what he compliments about me", he explains shyly. Scar pats the blonde's back. "Now, go inside and get a boyfriend." Grian swallows and Scar positions him under Mumbo's open window so he can hear.

Grian opens Mumbo's door. "Mu-mumbo?" he stutters. "Yes, Grian?" Mumbo walks up to the doorway. Grian pushes all of his confidence in. "Mumby, do you wanna know what I think about you?" Mumbo and Grian blush strawberry red at the same time. "Well, w-what do you think about me...?" Mumbo asks. Their eyes collide for a second, and then Grian crashes his lips against Mumbo's. It takes a few seconds of shock for Mumbo to kiss back. The two hermits kiss for a significantly long time. Then someone opens the door.

"Grian, is he home, I can't he-hea..." Scar freezes. Mumbo and Grian separate and Grian rolls his eyes. "Would you not disturb us, Scar, we were kinda having a moment here." Scar opens his mouth, closes it again, and leaves. "Now... where were we?" Grian flirts. "Mumbo, do you live in a vending machine?" Mumbo stutters. "I- what?" "'Cause you're looking like a snack." Mumbo raises his eyebrow. "Poor try, Grian." Then he kisses the blonde on the cheek. "But babe, how did you know for so sure that I like you?" Grian proceeds to avoid the question. "Ask Scar!" he says and hugs Mumbo. "I like you too. A lot."

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