Thor 2 - Love and Thunder

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our little pesky bird is scared of thunder TwT (coming in with sweet protective stache-man)

It's been raining for two days in a row. All the hermits are bored, and don't know what to do, because they have to stay inside. Mumbo is currently sitting on his couch and reading magazines. Then he gets a text from Grian.

<Grian 19.08>
<MumboJumbo 19.08>
well hello gri
<Grian 19.09>
it rains on the whole server
<MumboJumbo 19.09>
noticed haha
<Grian 19.10>
haha i wondered if you'd like to come over for a movie, like rn? i got snacks, take the tunnel
<MumboJumbo 19.11>
yes thank you! i'll be coming!

Mumbo smiles and closes his phone. Grian is his best friend... or maybe even more? Mumbo blushes even at the thought of a movie night with Grian. He quickly puts on a hoodie and heads down the tunnel.

He arrives to a big mess of bells ringing. Grian's fabulous notification system. Mumbo still hears Grian laughing and coming to put it off outside the horrendous noise. ''You're here, Mumbo!'' he says happily. ''Yes, I indeed am'', Mumbo answers. ''What movie are we gonna watch?'' Mumbo notices something weird. Grian blushes. That's not how he acts normally. ''I- uh, is Thor 2 okay with you? I- I mean you can ch-choose-'', he stutters. ''Grian, it's an awesome choice'', Mumbo laughs.

The blonde smiles and leads Mumbo to his living room. ''I already set the movie up. And here's some snacks.'' ''Lovely!'' Mumbo says and sits on the couch next to Grian, who turns the movie on.

Halfway into the movie, Mumbo can hear something. Something, that Grian is very scared of. Thunder. It growls loud. Before Mumbo even notices, Grian has grabbed his hand. The guys both blush. Mumbo squeezes Grian's hand. Another growl. Grian whines tinily and hugs Mumbo's arm. The moustached man puts his another arm around Grian. With every growl, Grian moves closer to Mumbo.

Grian is resting his head on Mumbo's chest and Mumbo hugs him. The growls continue. Grian is sobbing quietly. They don't even follow the movie anymore. Infact, Mumbo turns the volume down a bit. Another growl, followed by another. Mumbo sees Grian is overly scared and kisses him on his forehead, regretting it instantly. ''I'm so sorry Gri-'', he starts. ''I-it's okay'', Grian sobs. ''Do it again.''

Mumbo gets surprised, but kisses Grian again. The growls have ended. It still rains, but doesn't thunderstorm. Mumbo moves slightly, and lets go of Grian. The moustached man stands up. ''Aw, Mumboooo'', Grian whines. Mumbo turns around. ''Don't leeeeeave'', the blonde says. ''Come here.'' Mumbo chuckles slightly and sits back on the couch, hugging Grian again. It feels comfortable and warm. Grian smiles.

Mumbo had already forgotten the movie. He smirks (a Scar smirk) as the end credits roll.

THOR 2 - Love and Thunder

''Grian, you pesky bird'', Mumbo whispers. Grian giggles and kisses Mumbo on the cheek. ''Please stay over the night.''

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