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who tf wears a shark suit at a beach? scar.

All the hermits have a beach day planned. They hold it in Iskall's Treasure Island. He patched the holes in there of course.

Grian has a great time sunbathing next to Iskall. They both lay down on their backs, put their sunglasses on and chat about everything. The only thing bothering Grian right now is the fact that Mumbo's not there yet. Suddenly he hears two familiar voices. Mumbo and Ren. Grian notices himself staring at shirtless Mumbo.

God he works out! Grian thinks and blushes. Iskall sees it. ''What's the matter Grian?'', he whispers and smirks. ''Mumbo's abs?'' ''No!'' Grian whispers back. Then he sees Iskall's face. ''...Yes.'' Iskall chuckles and pushes Grian slightly.

Mumbo and Ren decide to meet in the shopping district. ''Hi Ren!'' Mumbo chuckles, and both of the guys fly to the coordinates of the Treasure Island. They land smoothly on the beach. Mumbo goes behind a tree to change. He has worked out a lot lately, and now it's time to show off his muscles to the other hermits.

Mumbo and Ren walk past Iskall and Grian. Ren taps Mumbo's shoulder. ''What?'' Mumbo says. ''Grian is... staring at you'', Ren giggles. Mumbo turns over and sees a pink Grian. He winks at him and goes (ง'̀ᴗ')ง. ''Mumbo, you sly fox!'' Ren teases. ''That was smooth.'' They both walk a bit away from Grian and Iskall and put their towels down.

''Water fiiiiiiight~!!!!'' Stress yells. ''We need team captains. Are everyone okay with me and Iskall?'' Everyone nods. Iskall and Stress start picking teammates. ''Grian and False.'' ''Cleo and Scar.'' ''Mumbo and B-dubs.'' ''Joe and Keralis.'' ''Ren and Impulse.'' ''Etho and Tango.'' After everyone have been picked they go to their sides. The greatest water fight of history has begun. False tackles Stress from behind, and B-dubs fights Keralis. Mumbo splashes water at Cleo the fastest he can. Grian dives and surprise-attacks Joe. The blonde gets the win.

After a while of fighting, Mumbo and Grian bump into each other. ''Grian I'm so sorry!'' Mumbo worries and lifts Grian up standing. Grian looks at Mumbo's muscular arms in awe. ''I- no problem. Thanks'', Grian says quietly. Mumbo adorably squeezes Grians tiny hand and swims away. He just leaves Grian standing there going through everything that happened.

The water fight results in Stress' team winning. After Iskall announces it and lifts Stress' hand up (and kisses her hehe), everyone just chills in the water and chats. Suddenly... ''A shark!'' Etho screams. It's true. A fin swims towards the hermits. Grian panicks and jumps into Mumbo's lap, it being the nearest safety source. Mumbo turns red but holds Grian still.

To everyone's surprise, the fin stops and stands up, revealing a spluttering and laughing Scar. Mumbo chuckles a bit and looks at Grian who is frozen terrified. ''Heh'', Mumbo smiles at Grian. ''Got scared, huh?'' Grian goes
(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') and pecks Mumbo slightly on his lips. Then the blonde falls out of Mumbo's arms to the water. It's now Mumbo's turn to stand there, and go through everything that happened.

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