spot on

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iskall cathing the hermits kissing each other. why, you might ask? iskall is the perfect man for that job. we all stan a swedish stalker.

The sun is setting over the rainy server. Mumbo and Grian are at their base, cuddling on the couch. It raining outside means that no one will stumble into them being a couple. Others don't know. Mumbo is lying down on the couch, and Grian on top of him. Mumbo hugs the blonde from the back and gives him a lot of kisses. Being the taller one, he always needs to lift Grian up.

Mumbo kisses several spots of Grians neck, making it all wet from his saliva. Grian is smiling and giggling. Mumbo continues, and then he kisses one spot. Grian lets out an 'ah'. ''Well well well'', Mumbo smirks a Scar smirk. ''Guess I found a spot.'' He kisses it again, and Grian sighs slightly. Mumbo starts to rub the spot with his fingers. Grian sighs a little bit louder, and then takes Mumbos hand off, to the moustached man's surprise.

''I-I'm sorry!'' Mumbo worries. ''Did I hurt you?'' ''Not at all, Mumby.'' It is Grian now who smirks (Scar smirk, ofc). ''Let's find your spot.'' Grian pulls himself upwards (to get to Mumbo's height) and starts kissing the other hermit's neck. He finds Mumbo's spot quickly, and starts kissing it faster and more. Mumbo sighs, smiles, and hugs Grian tighter.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. It had started to thunderstorm outside. The couple doesn't hear the knocking because of the lightnings and kisses. The door opens, and reveals a cold and wet Iskall. ''Hiya'', he groans. ''I was walking by and the storm struck and... what the actual... !?''

Grian stops kissing Mumbo the second he notices Iskall. All of the hermits blush. Mumbo gets up sitting, resulting Grian to pull up too. ''H-hi Iskall-'' the moustached man says quietly. Iskall facepalms. ''For real, guys'', the swedish man chuckles. ''Have you been doing this since you moved together and were best friends?'' Grian nods embarassed. Mumbo stands up hastily. ''Iskall, you must be hungry. Come to the kitchen, we'll get you soup.''

Iskall follows Mumbo and Grian to the other room. ''Lucky bastards!'' he teases and pushes them a little. ''You're both sweet guys. Who is a top and who is a bottom?'' Mumbo turns even redder. Grian squeezes Mumbo's big hand cutely as the moustached man carries a bowl of soup to the table. Grian turns to Iskall while Mumbo doesn't see and forms <Mumbo is a bottom> with his mouth.

Iskall chuckles slightly and sits down. ''What now?'' Mumbo asks slightly annoyed. ''Nothing, you little idiot'', Grian sits next to Mumbo and kisses his spot. Mumbo lets out a slight 'oh' and Iskall raises an eyebrow, his mouth full of soup. Mumbo and Grian both turn blood-red, and Iskall laughs.

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