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if you get a gift from your bf don't wear it publicly maybe, ey?

Grian is hanging out with Mumbo, Scar and Cleo. They're eating and chatting next to a cute river Cleo found. "We really should hang out more, you guys are all great", Scar says. "Is next Saturday ok to y'all? This is a nice place." "Fine for me", Cleo smiles. "What date is it?" asks Grian after thinking for a bit. "Uhh", Scar mutters, and counts with his fingers. "Eleventh." Grian and Mumbo look at each other and Mumbo shakes his head a little. "I can't come on Saturday", the moustached man says. "Me neither", Grian says quickly. "W-um-I... I have plans, yeah." "I have plans too, I'm sorry." Scar and Cleo shrug their shoulders. "Is Sunday okayer then?" Mumbo and Grian both nod, and look relieved.

After an hour or so, the four pack their stuff up. Mumbo and Grian wave bye to the others and start walking in their direction. Grian looks back, and when he sees they're out of Scar and Cleo's sight, the blonde takes Mumbo's hand. "Babe, our anniversary is on the eleventh." "I know", Mumbo smiles and squeezes Grian's tiny hand. "It's good we could change the meeting with Scar and Cleo to Sunday." The taller man wraps his arm around Grian's waist. "It's gonna be nice on Saturday. I have your gift done already, haha." Grian chuckles too, in the most cute way he can. "Me too. I love you Mumby."

Cleo keeps company with Scar for a little while when walking. "Wonder what Mumbo and Grian had? How are they both busy on Saturday?" "I dunno", Scar says. "But I bet it's not a coincidence. I mean, they looked at each other meaningfully before saying they couldn't come." Cleo laughs. "Maybe they have some of those stupid 'Hermit Challenges' with Iskall again." Scar laughs too, and turns left, heading to the jungle, while Cleo goes her way.

It's the morning of the eleventh. Grian wakes up, dresses himself in his usual jumper, and eats some very quick breakfast. Then he grabs his gift for Mumbo and takes the hobbit tunnel. He drops down from Mumbo's ceiling, right in the moustached man's arms, and shouts: "Happy one year anniversary babe!" Mumbo kisses Grian's forehead. "I have your gift, strawberry." Mumbo hands a little package to Grian. The blonde opens it.

"A-a necklace?" "Yes! Look what it has on the back!" Grian glares at the jewelry and puts it around his neck. It's a golden chain hanging a parrot with hearts around it. He flips it, and it has 'TO MY SWEET PESKY BIRD <3' carved on the back. "Aww, Mumby, I love it!" Grian kisses Mumbo multiple times. "But a funny thing has happened. I bought you nearly the exact same thing!" "You did?" Mumbo asks. Grian nods and hands Mumbo a tiny box. When opened, it reveals a chain necklace hanging a chicken head, a.k.a a parrot (og's get the joke, ay?) with hearts as its eyes.

Mumbo puts it on. "Does this have something written too?" he asks and flips the jewelry. It says 'TO MY SEXY HANDSOME LOVELY DEAR MUMBY'. Mumbo kisses Grian. "Thanks sweetie." "Thanks to you too, babe." Mumbo chuckles. "How long are we continuing with these nicknames, darling?" "I don't know, cutie." Both of the men laugh.

After a week or two, Grian and Mumbo are used to wearing the necklaces daily. No one has commented on them, yet. Today, Grian is hanging out with Scar. They're on the beach, chilling. Grian went to change to swimwear. He comes back and puts his clothes in a pile, the necklace being the cherry on top. Scar notices it when the sun reflects on it. "Grian, what is this?" "N-nothing! Come swimming now!" Scar lifts it up. "A parrot with hearts? Oh, and what does it say on the back?" Grian swallows. Scar narrows his eyes. "Dammit sun, you don't help my dyslexia at all. To my sweet Skype? Oh. To my sweet pesky bird. And a heart."

Grian blushes and snatches the necklace out of Scar's hand. Scar smirks a Scar smirk. "Who is it from?" Grian growls a bit, all red, and tucks the jewelry deep in his cloth pile. "Let me guess, eh?" Scar smiles. Grian raises his eyebrow. "Mumbo", Scar says. Grian blushes even more. "Fine, okay, it's from Mumbo. We're dating, and we couldn't hang out that one Saturday because we had our anniversary. I got it as a gift." "Whoa", Scar mutters. "That's a lot of info to take in, all at once." Grian sighs. "But it's cool!" Scar lets out a laugh. "It's cool you're dating. And that's a lovely necklace. But now, let's go swimming." Grian smiles.

While Grian and Scar hang out, Mumbo and Iskall are building some redstone on the top of Iskall's Omega Tree of Doom. Since it's summer, it's hot. The sun strikes straight through the top leaves while the two architechs work. "Gosh, I'm sweating", Iskall groans and takes his jacket off (tbh why was he wearing one in the first place? ok bbys shuddup let it röll). Mumbo sighs. "Me too." The tall man takes his suit off, and under it, on top of his t-shirt, is his necklace. "Ooh, Mumbo, what's that?" "Oh, nothing. A necklace", Mumbo answers quickly and turns his back on Iskall. "Mumbo, pal, you don't usually wear jewelry, so it must be something special." "Nah, it's, um, a... ugh, it's nothing."

Mumbo tries to stop Iskall, but the Swedish man is already in front of him, looking at the necklace. "A 'parrot', hehe. What does it say on the back?" "No, Iskall, not the ba-" "To my sexy handsome lovely dear Mumby. That's cute. Who is this from?" "No one." Mumbo blushes. Iskall laughs at Mumbo's dry answer. "It must be from someone." "It's from Gri- ugh. Grian." "That's cool. Are you guys dating or what?" "Yeah", Mumbo answers and blushes even more. Iskall smiles. "Aww. You make a good couple." Mumbo shrugs his shoulders and continues the work.

When Mumbo gets home, he decides to visit Grian. The moustached man takes the hobbit tunnel. "Hi Gri, you won't guess what happened", he says when arriving. "I was helping Iskall with redstone and he pointed out my necklace." "No way, Scar pointed out mine too!" Grian laughs. "I was under pressure and revealed it was from you." "I mistakenly said it was from you." Mumbo chuckles. "Now the rumour is gonna spread." Grian swings his hand a bit. "Nah, it's fine. It's no use trying to stop them." Both of them laugh at the fact it's so easy to forget a necklace into view.

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