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a grumbo+scardubs fic! a jolly holiday mess :) i know it's not christmas but it doesn't matter, aye?

"Merry Christmas!" Cleo smiles as she enters the town hall. The yearly holiday party is held there. Scar The Mayor is taking guests in at the door. The wizard smiles the millionth time today. Scar's cheeks start to hurt from all the grinning. Right after Cleo, climbs Bdubs up the stairs. "Scar, babe!" the big-eyed man smiles. "Shh!" Scar lifts a finger up to his mouth. "Others don't know we're dating, remember?" "Oh yeah. Sorry", Bdubs whispers. "Merry Christmas tho." He gives Scar a quick peck on the cheek (which removes all the ache uwu uwu) and blends to the crowd.

Grian is at his hobbit hole. He doesn't know what to wear. After a bit of time the blonde gives up and goes with his usual jumper, leaving immediately to the party. As he exits the nether portal, he sees Bdubs chat with Scar at the door. Grian nearly shouts 'hi', until he notices Bdubs kiss Scar. Grian waits until the big-eyed man has left, and then climbs up to Scar.

"What's up, dude?" the blonde smirks. "And what's up with Bdubsie-bubsie?" he adds, being silly in the last word. Scar flushes pink and freezes of shock. The wizard looks down at Grian, his eyes all widened. "Don't you dare- go inside! And... tell everyone!" Grian chuckles cutely. "I won't, of course I won't. Let me tell you something in exchange. I'm hoping to get a boyfriend today too." "You do?" Scar seems a bit too interested in this new topic they're discussing, and now it's Grian's time to blush. "Mumbo." "Hah, you're easily gonna charm him. I've seen how our moustached pal looks at you." "Really?" Grian says. "Well, let me then go and pump the party up."

Grian walks away, and with him being the last guest, Scar closes the front doors and attends the full-on going party inside. There's loud speech and laughter coming from every corner. Scar sees Mumbo and Iskall chatting, and decides to join them. "Hallo Scar!" Iskall greets. "We were just talking about Mumbo's crush", he says, teasing. Mumbo flushes red and giggles. "Oh, shut up!" Scar chuckles. "Is it Grian?" Mumbo shapes up himself. "Oh god. Is it so obvious?" The wizard shrugs his shoulders and bursts out laughing with Iskall. After Mumbo has gotten the two calmed down, they continue talking about something else.

After a while, Scar suddenly remembers he's the mayor, and he's the one that needs to announce stuff. "Time for gift exchange!" Scar shouts happily. Everyone sits down in a circle. The mayor spins the bottle, and it lands on Mumbo. Everyone gives their gifts to Mumbo during their turns. A handmade tie from Cleo, redstone from Iskall, and so on. Lastly, it's Grian's turn to give Mumbo his gift. "I..." Grian stutters. "I forgot to make a gift for you", he says quietly and looks at Mumbo with puppy eyes.

The moustached man's eyes don't even flicker. "You could always give me a kiss." Everyone giggle. "Wh- huh?", Grian mutters, letting his eyes wander around the party crew, not understanding what happened. "He said you can kiss him as a gift!" Iskall shouts. Grian blushes, and looks again at Mumbo, who raises his eyebrows. Grian nods, and kisses Mumbo on the lips. Everyone whistle and cheer. They separate and blush both a deep red ('candy red', to be fancy and exact). The gift game slowly continues after Iskall encouraged Grian and Mumbo to kiss again, resulting in total chaos.

All of the hermits have now gotten their gifts, and our boi Iskall has something in mind. The Swedish man wanders around to find his best pals, Grian and Mumbo. Eventually they're found cuddling on a couch near the sweets table. Iskall bends down in front of them and whispers: "Hey, you two! We really need to expose Scar and Bdubs!" Mumbo looks surprised and makes a weird noise somewhere between 'umm' and 'oh'. "So you don't know?" Iskall chuckles. "They're highkey flirting with each other the whole time."

Grian giggles and smirks. "I have kind of an... idea." "What, what?" Iskall grins, excited. "There's mistletoe growing outside", Grian tells the two redstoners. Iskall keeps repeating 'good idea', and Mumbo tries to seek Bdubs and Scar with his eyes. After a while the tall man notices both of the others are staring at him. "What are you looking at me for?" he asks, flushed. "Could you go and get some?" Iskall asks. "Why me?" Mumbo groans. "Why can't you go yourself. I happen to have Grian on my lap." "You're the tallest of us", Grian mentions and gets up. "Pleeeeease." Mumbo sighs, rolls his eyes, and walks sneakily out of the town hall. After a few minutes, he returns with a handful of mistletoe.

"Wonderful!" Grian squeals. "Now we just gotta find the two." "If they're in the same place as I saw them last in, they're standing next to the Christmas tree." Grian stops and thinks a bit. "Scar's pretty tall. How are we gonna hold this thing upon them?" "Scar's the same height as me, I couldn't even do it this time!" Mumbo says defensively. Iskall makes a 'hmm' noise. "Grian could sit on Mumbo's shoulders." Mumbo growls and Iskall helps the blonde get up on his shoulders. Then they walk around, to find Scar and Bdubs in the exact place Iskall told they were.

"Scar, you look pretty..." Bdubs says. "Thanks", Scar giggles. "Pretty ugly", Bdubs laughs and pushes Scar a bit. "I was just joking, Scar, I... you're not ugly." Scar laughs with his low voice. Mumbo (with Grian on his shoulders) walks behind the two. "Hey, look up!" Grian smirks. Scar and Bdubs both (break their necks as they) look up very quickly to the mistletoe Grian is holding. They blush, and it's quiet for a second or two. Then everybody can hear a vague 'kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss' from Iskall's direction. The Swedish man has started a chant. Slowly everyone joins him. Scar and Bdubs look around at everybody, then shrug their shoulders, smile, and kiss in front of the whole crew.

Grian whistles and drops the mistletoe. Scar and Bdubs separate, and the mistletoe wafts down in front of them. Suddenly Scar coughs, and chuckles. "I might be, um, allergic to mistletoe."

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