Broken up

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Chapter 1
Rachels pov :

I take it anymore ,its too hard I thought as I sat on my roof . Tears were streaming down my face how could Finn kiss her in front of me ? I asked myself how could he hold her hand and look me straight in the eye ? He know how I feel about him and he knows how she was my best friend  . Its just ... it's just too much . I thought to myself.  I sat on my roof wondering if he was thinking of me suddenly , "Rachel Berry don't you dare jump !" Kurt my best friend  yelled . I turned around immediately and he gave me a sympathetic look . He saw the my  puffy eyes and the tears on my face he then sat down and said , "I brought you some chi tea from the Lima Bean . " he smiled and gave it to me . "Thanks . " I said sadly . "Finn told me you and him broke up. " he said . "Did he tell you the part that he broke up with me for Quinn ?" I asked.  He looked at me sympathetically and said, "Yeah he did and my dad and Carol had to hold me back. " I smiled "Thats the Rachel I like to see. " he said . I put my head on his shoulder , " I just dont get how he could break up with me like that especially after everything Quinns done . " I told him . "I know but you what you're Rachel Freaking Berry you don't need his stupid ass you are going to New York City and be a huge broadway star ,you don't him . " Kurt told me .I smiled ,  "You know what Kurt your right, I don't Finn I'm going to be a big broadway star like Barbra and I will be a -okay . " I said.  "Thats what I like to hear now come on !" He said . He stood up and grabbed my hand ,  "Where are we going?" I asked.  "Shopping , we are going to get you a new man !" He said and off we went .

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