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Chapter 3
(3 days later )
Rachels pov :
    I was in my room when the door bell rang I came down and opened it and standing before me was Finn. My

heart froze as he stood before me.  "Finn , what are you doing here? " I asked suprised to see him . "I wanted to see how you were doing . " He said . "What do you care ? Remember you're the one that broke up with me . " I told him . "I know and I'm sorry I didn't want to leave things like that." he said. "It doesn't matter I'm moving on with my life . " I told him . "Rachel please just say that we can be friends again. " He said . "Don't you get it Finn I have always be your friend , I loved you so much and I still do but you're with Quinn know and I need to accept that and right know I just need space to figure things out. " I told him. "Rach. " He said.  I felt a pain in my heart , "I'll see you in glee club Finn . " I said and closed the door . After he left I took a deep and did my best not to cry .

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