The duet

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Chapter 7
( 3 months later )
Rachels pov :
I walked into the glee club with Noah it's been 3 months since we've been dating and I couldn't be happier . Today Mr.Shue walked in and wrote on the board , "Duet. " then said , "This weeks lesson is duets now this year for regionals we are required to do a duet so I'm going to make this a little competition but we will be picking partners out of a hat so I will let the girls pick and boys you will pick the song.  " he said . "Quinn you will go first . " He said and Quinn went up and picked and said , "Puck . " I rolled my eyes , "Sorry babe but hey I still love you . " He told me . I smiled and held his hand . "Tina its your turn . " Mr.Shue told her . "Mike Chang. " she said as she read the paper . "Brittney. " Mr.Shue said . She walked up and said , "Santana Yay!" She exclaimed. "Mercedes your next." He said . "Artie !" She exclaimed.  "Yassss gurl!" Artie said . "And last but not least Rachel . " Mr.Shue said . I went up nervously I really did not want Finn as a partner . I picked up the paper and said, "Finn . " He looked at me and then Quinn said , "Excuse me Mr.Shue can I switch with Rachel I rather be with my boyfriend and I'm sure Rachel would too . " She said. "Sorry Quinn no switchs and that goes for everyone . " He told us.  I rolled my eyes and then the bell rang , "Class dismiss . " He said . We all got up and I stoppdd Noah for a moment and said , "Hey babe I'll meet you outside I just wanna talk to Finn real quick . " I told him . "Okay . " he said and kissed me on the cheek and left . I looked at Finn I haven't spoken to him in months since we've broken up . I walked u0 to him and said , " Hey . " he looked at me , he lost that glimmer in his eyes ever since he started dating Quinn . "Hi . " He said with a smile. "So since we're duet partners maybe we can meet auditorium during lunch and try and look over so songs . " I suggested. "Yeah I would like that. " He said with a slight smile . "Okay great so I'll meet you there . " I said. "Totally. " He told me and then Quinn said , "Come on Finny whats taking you so long ?" And then she saw me gave me the dirtiest look went up to Finn and kissed him passionatly while looking at me . I rolled my eyes and walked away .

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