The truth comes out

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Chapter 14
Rachels pov :
I  walked into glee club and saw Finn and Puck beating the shit out of eachother I ran over and yelled , "What the hell Finn get off of him !" And I pulled him off of Noah . "What is going on here ?" Mr.Shuester asked as he ran into the room. "Tell her Puck ! Tell her before I do !" Finn screamed at Noah . Noah stood up and I looked at him and said , "What is he talking about Noah ? " I asked "Rachel not here . " he told me . "Noah you can tell me the truth . " I said. "I can't I'm sorry . " He said . . I looked at Finn and said , "Will someone just tell me whats going on?" I asked. Finn looked at me and said , "Puckerman is the father of Quinns baby he cheated on you Rachel and so did she. " My heart shattered and I looked at Noah,  "Is it true are you the father ?" I asked nervously. He shook his  head yes he couldn't even look at me . "WE'RE DONE NOAH ! I'M WITH YOU , I'M DONE WITH ALL OF YOU . I QUIT !" I yelled and stormed out before they could see me cry . 

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