Car crash

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Chapter 15
Rachels pov :
I ran out of the  choir room and kept running tiil I got to my car. I needed to get away from here, from this school , from this town . I got into my car and drove off . I was in tears , how could he do this me , I thought he loved me , he was my friend . I thought while driving suddenly my rang I was at a stop light waiting go. I looked at my phone and it was Kurt I picked up the phone and said , "Hello ? " "Rachel where did you go ?" He asked me.  "I left the school  I need to get out of here Kurt I can't  stay here anymore I'm on my way to the airport now and I'm going to New York City for the weekend . " I told him.  "Rachel don't leave you need to stay here we have regionals soon. " he told me . "I don't care about regionals Kurt ! " I said upset and I then hung up just as the light turned green. I crossed into the inner section and then suddenly I heard honking and  everything
went pitch black.

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