Don't leave me

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Chapter 17
Finns pov :
I ran into the hospital and saw Kurt and the rest of the glee club sitting there . I went up to Kurt he had tears in his eyes. "Kurt what happened is she okay ? " I asked "Finn she's in surgery we don't know anything the doctor hasn't come out yet . " He told me . "Has anyone tried to get a hold of her dad or mom ?" I asked. "Yeah their on their way . " Mercedes said.  Suddenly the door opened and I saw Puckerman come in . Suddenly I was filled with rage and before I knew what I was doing I tackled Puck to the ground and started beating the shit out him , "THIS...IS....ALL....YOUR.....FAULT.....!!!!" I  yelled in between punches . "HEY KNOCK IT OFF !!"Mr. Shue yelled pulling me of him . "WHAT IS A MATTER WITH YOU TWO, RACHEL IS IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOU TOO ARE FIGHTING !KNOCK IT OFF!" He yelled . I sighed and looked at Puck and then stormed off . I was in the cafeteria sitting at a table looking at photos of Rachel and I when we were dating . "Can I sit here ?" Someone asked . I looked over and saw Mr.Shue.  "Yeah . " I said . He sat down next to me and said , "What are you looking at?" He asked . "Just some old pictures of Rachel and I when we were together . " I said. He smiled, "Can I see ?" He asked. "Yeah . " and I showed him my phone . "You two look happy . " he said . "We were happy .... till I screwed everything up  , if I just didn't cheat on her then she wouldn't have ended up getting hurt by Puck and we wouldn't be here . " I told him.  He put his hand on my shoulder and said , "Hey Finn,  this is not your fault you made a mistake but we all do and Rachel forgave you for what you did . " he told me . "I know but I love her Mr.Shue and if she doesn't make it , if she ...... " I could bareley get the words out , "if she , if she dies , I don't think I'll be able to live with myself . I can't lose her Mr.Shue. " I told him.  "And you won't . Rachel is strong she's a fighter . " he told me. "She needs you to be strong , we all need to be strong for her . " he said . I broke down and cried in his arms as he hugged me . I was back in the waiting room  with everyone its been 3 hours since Rachel has been in surgery and still no word from her parents or doctor . I was sitting with Kurt and Mr.Shue when Quinn came up to me and said , "Can we talk ? " I looked at her I was still pretty upset with her but I had to talk to her for Rachel. I got up and said , "Yeah." And we walked out side . I sighed and looked at her , "Finn I'm so sorry I never wanted to hurt you like this . " I stopped her , "Don't apologize Quinn . " I told her. "I want to thank you , with everything thats happened I think its best if we just break up. "  she looked at me , "Is it because of Rachel ?" She asked. "its because I can't be with someone who manipulates  and lies. The truth is I don't love you Quinn . I love Rachel and I always have I guess the only reason I was with you was because I afraid to admit that.  But I'm not . " I told her . "Oh. " She said with tears coming down her cheek . "Quinn you will always have me as a friend and I  think that you know in your heart that you belong with Puck. " I said. I wiped her tears and said , "I forgive you Quinn . I just can't be with you . " I said. And I hugged her .  She smiled , "Rachel is a lucky girl . " she said. I smiled back , "No I'm the lucky one . " I told her . Suddenly Kurt came out and said , "Finn !" I looked at him , "What is everything okay?" I asked scared. "The doctors here . " he told me . My heart jumped and we all went inside. I saw the doctor and Rachels parents talking. The doctor walked away and I went up to Rachels mom and said , "Mrs.Berry is she .... " I couldn't bare the thought of even saying it . "She's out of surgury Finn but she's also in a coma and we don't know if she's going to wake up . " She told me wiping her tears. "Can I see her?" I asked. "Finn she's in very critical condition. " Mr.Berry said. "Please Mr. and Mrs.Berry please just let me see her ,  I need to just see her . " I begged . They looked at eachother , "Okay come on I'll take you . " Mr.Berry said and led me to her  hospital room. I took a deep breath and went in the room . Rachel there she had a cast on her left leg and was wearing a neck brace . She had bruises and cuts all over her body . I almost burst into tears seeing her like this . I sat down and took her hand. "Hey Rach I don't know if you can hear me but I wanted to let you know everyone from glee club  is here and so our your parents.  I don't understand how this could've happened it kills me to see you like this . I just.... I want you to know that I love you so much and that I can't live without you here . You are everything to me Rachel Barbara Berry and without you here theres no point in living.  Please just don't leave me here alone . " I begged "Don't leave me . " I repeated . I could feel the tears coming down my cheek . "Please don't. "

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