Moving on

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Chapter 2
Rachels pov :
"I don't know Kurt it doesn't seem like its my type of style. " I said in the dressing room . "Oh come on Rachel you have an amazing body why don't you just come out and show me ." he said. "Okay fine . " I said. And the door and said , "What do you think ? " I asked. He smirked , "Damn girl you look hot as hell. " he said. I smiled,
" Really? " I asked in disbelief. "Yeah you look amaz-balls . " he said . I stood in the mirror and smiled. "Okay I'll buy it. " I said "Great now go try on more clothes . " Kurt said and handed me the pile of clothes .
The next day I walked into school and every one looked at me and the boys whistled at me and their girlfriends hit them for doing it . I smiled to myself and then I saw him as he looked at me , fear struck in my heart. I kept walking acting like it didn't bother me that Finn was with her but it did. As I walked to my locker Noah Puckerman one of my friends cam up to me and said , "Hey Rachel I like the new look . " I smiled and said, "Thanks Noah . " "So how have you've been since the break up ?" He asked. "At first I was a reck but I'm moving on I think I'm going to be okay." I told him. He smiled , "Then you wouldn't mine if I ask you on a date ?" He asked. I smiled , " As much as I would love to go out on a date with you I just got out of a relationship with Finn Aka your best friend . " I told him . He smiled flirty, "He stopped being my best friend the moment he broke your heart . " He told me . "How do I know you really like me and your not just trying to get into my pants ?" I asked. "Because A.I'm your friend and B. I really really like you . " He said . I blushed , "I'll think about okay ?" I said. He smiled, "Okay. " and then he kissed me on the cheek and left .

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