Goodbye part 2

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Chapter 29
Rachels pov :

Everyone clapped and then Santana said, "So what are you guys saying ?" She asked "Well Rachel and I have decided that we are going to move to New York and get married . " Finn told everyone. They were all speechless for a moment . "Are you pregnant? " Kurt asked . "No of course not Finn and I just love eachother so much and we want to share that with everyone. " "Is this what you guys really want ?" Mr.Shue asked . "Yes Rachel and I are 100% sure that we love eachother right Rach . " Finn said . "Right. " I said . "Well I'm happy for you two if this is what you want . " Santana said. "Yes we love eachother and we want to get married . " Finn said. "Wait a second before we all get on board with this wedding don't you two want to go to college and get a career before you two get married ?" Kurt asked . "Kurt we are in love and I want to be with Finn for the rest of my life and we're going to wait till we're in college and have an apartment before we do anything . " I said . "Well I still thinks its a bad idea . " Kurt told us . "Im sorry that you feel that way Kurt but if you really do than you don't need to be a part of the wedding . " I told him and walked out .
That night we were all at Finns house eating dinner . We were at the table when Finn said , "Mom , Burt, Mr. and Mrs.Berry Rachel and I have something we want to tell you. " they looked at us , "Okay what is it ?" Carol asked him . "Well Rachel and I are going to get married . " Finn told everyone . Everyone was silent for a moment and then my mother said , "Oh honey thats amazing! " we all looked at her like she was crazy. "What?" I said. "Finn ,Rachel , me and your father couldn't be happier for the both of you we're so happy that your together again have you picked out an apartment yet ?" She asked . "No but we're looking. " I said . "Well then maybe you two shouldn't get married . " Carol said. "Mom! I love Rachel and she loves me. Nothing you say will change that . " Finn told her . "If you two really love eachother than you'll wait to get married and get your education first . Rachel you know I love you but you are making a mistake if you two go through with this than you'll ruin both of your lives " She told me . I stood there for a moment and then ran out of the house before they could see me cry . I walked out of the house and started to walk home when Finn yelled my name , "Rachel ! Rachel! " I kept walking when he finally caught up to me and stopped me . "Move out of my way Finn!" I demanded. "Woah , woah , where are you going ? " he asked . "I'm going home. " I told him . "Well can we talk first?" He asked. I was filled with anger , "There is nothing to talk about Finn it's done I can't marry you . " I told him . "What why because of what my mom said?" He asked me. "Well she's right Finn and so is Kurt . What if we're making a mistake I mean we're so young . " I pointed out. "Age doesn't matter thought Rach . We our adults who are madly in love . " He told me . "But what if loves not enough Finn ? I mean look at my mom and dad they barely even talk anymore I don't want that to happen to us . " I said. "Thats them Rachel not us . " he told me. He looked at me and held my face , "Rachel I love with all my heart . " I wiped my tears and took off the engagement ring and said, "I love you too and that's why I'm letting you go . " I said. "Rachel don't do this. " he begged with tears running down his face . "Goodbye Finn Hudson I will always love you . " I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek and left .

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