I forgive you

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Chapter 19
(Two weeks later )
Rachels pov :
Its been two weeks since I got out of the hospital and since everyone has been crowding my space . My mom and dad left again on business because they had to work so everyday  Finn , Mercedes, Tina, Kurt, Brittney, and Santana have been coming over to help me out . I just wish everyone would give me space to breath and not treat me with kid gloves . Finn and I however haven't really talked about getting back together but I really love him , I just think I need a break from guys altogether I'm getting ready to go to college maybe I shouldn't have a boyfriend.  As for Noah and I , I haven't talked to him since the car accident it hasn't even visited me nor has Quinn but I didn't expect her too . This morning I was at home relaxing on the couch the doctor doesn't want me to come back for another week . So anyway I was on the couch relaxing when the door bell rang . I grabbed my cruches and opened the door to see Noah there with a black eye . "Noah. What are you doing here ? " I asked.  "Can we talk ? " He asked . I held the door and said , "I don't if thats such a good idea . " he sighed , "Please I  need to see you . " he begged . I though about it for a moment then said, "Okay you can come in but you have five minutes  . " I then let him in. We walked into the living room and sat down . We were both silent for a moment then he looked at me  , "How are you?" He asked. "I'm okay for someone with a broken foot." I said. He  smiled slightly . "What happened to your eye ? " I asked.  "Oh well Finn happened at the hospital he basically tackled me . " he told me . I smiled to myself , "Really ? " I asked. "Yeah he was pretty pissed off . " he told me . "He had every right to be . " I said. "I know what we did was messed up in so many ways . " He said . "Yeah it was ." I stated . "I'm sorry Rachel,  you have no idea how sorry I am. " he told me.  "I forgive you  Noah . " I told him . He looked at me in shock . "Why what I did was horrible. " he said. I sighed, " I know but it also made me realize something. " I told him. "What ?" He asked. "I don't belong with you I belong with Finn I've always had and I don't blame you because I think you knew this whole time I just don't think you wanted to believe it just like I didn't want to believe that your in love with Quinn. " I told him . " I really do love her . " he said . "Then go be with her. " I said. He hugged me and said, "I know you love Finn but if you ever need me I'm here . " he said . "Thanks Puck same here . " I said. "Finn is a lucky guy. " He told me . "Lets just hope he's the one . " I said. "You and I both know he's always been the one . " he said . I  smiled  and gave him  a kiss on the cheek and then he left .

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