The date part 2

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Chapter 5
Rachels pov :
"Will you go on a date with me ?" Noah asked me . I looked at him and smiled and then I saw Finn with Quinn ,why should he be happy and not me ? I asked myself. I smiled at Noah sure he wasn't Finn but he's so kind and sweet and he's changes since freshman year . "Yes Noah I'll go on a date with you . " "Yes!!" He said happily then hugged me . I hugged him back and Finn looked at me this is it Berry its time to move on . I told myself. 
Later I was at home with Kurt getting ready for my date with Noah when Kurt said, "Can I be honest with you ? " "Yeah whats up ? " I asked in the bathroom . "Its about Finn he still loves you.  " he told me . "Then why is he with Quinn ?" I asked. "Because he's an idiot . " he told me . I  rolled my eyes and said , " Kurt, Finn doesn't love me anymore he loves Quinn I need to accept that and so do you . " I tols him . " Fine . " He said annoyed . I then came out the bathroom and Kurt looked at me and smiled,  "You look beautiful Rachel . " He told me . I smiled, "Do you think Noah will like it ?" I asked.  "I think he be crazy not too . " He said . I smiled and hugged him and then the doorbell rang, "That must be Puck . " Kurt said . "Okay I'll get it . " I said and went down stairs and opened the door . I saw Noah he had Flowers in his hand , Lilies my favorite and he was wear a nice suit and tie . "Hi . " I said. He smiled and me , "Wow you look ravishing.  " He told me "Thanks , you don't look so bad your self . " I told him . He chuckled, "Are you ready ?" He asked. "Yeah let me just tell Kurt . "  I turned around and yelled, "Kurt I'm leaving to go on my date with Noah !" "Okay!" He yelled back and then we left . "So where are we going ?" I asked Noah in the car . "Well how's Breadsticks sound?" He asked me.  "Perfect . " I said and we drove off . When we walked into Breadsticks Noah had the waitress take us to a booth in a back when we got there there was a bouquet of Lilies on  the table I smiled at Noah and we sat down and ordered . "So Rachel how have you been?" He asked me . "I've been good." I said . "How are you with Finn ?" He asked concerned.  "Noah listen , Finn and I broke up and I like you alot or else I wouldn't be here with you . " I told him . He smiled , "You do ?" He asked. "Yeah I do . " I said. "I like you too Rach. " He said. I smiled and he took my hand . Later Noah walked me up to my door and said , "So. " "So. " I said back . "Usally this is the part where I kiss you . " He said . "Is that you want ?" I asked. He blushed , "If its okay with you . " He said . I smiled and kissed him passionatly.  "Wow , so thats what a Rachel Berry kiss feels like . " I smiled . "Good night Noah . " I said. "Good night Rachel . " he said and kissed me on the cheek as I opened my door and went inside.

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