My man

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Chapter 12
( 3 months later )
Rachels pov :
Its been 3 months since Finn found out Quinn is pregnant with his baby and as much as I want to be there for him I can't help but be hurt I wish he was with me sometimes instead of her . As for Noah and I we're doing okay but I sometimes feel like he's being distant because I won't have sex with him yet. Today we were all in glee club when Mr.Shue came in and asked if anyone had a song to sing . I raised my hand without a second thought about it. "Rachel go for it . " he told me I stood up and whispered the song to the band and they started I glanced over at Finn and he smiled at me and I felt my heart melt and started :

Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright

What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday
Oh whatever my man is
I am his forever more

It cost me a lot
But that's one thing that I've got
It's my man
Cold and wet
Tired you bet
But all that I soon forget
With my man

He's not much for looks
And no hero out of books
He's my man
Two or three girls has he
That he likes as well as me
But I love him

Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright

What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday
Oh whatever my man is
I am his forever more
(End of song)
I took a deep breath and felt the tears come down my cheek. I couldn't help but think about Finn the entire time I was singing that song . I walked out of glee club quickly after and went to the bathroom . I was in the bathroom watching the runny mascara

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