The first time

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Chapter 25
(Sexual content )
Finns pov :
We were in the hotel room and I was lighting candles waiting for Rachel to come out of the bathroom. I sat on the bed just in time Rachel came out in her black lace laundray with her hair down . She smiled at me and said , "Santana helped me pick it out . " I smiled, "Tell her I said thank you. " I told her . She smiled and sat on my lap and kissed me on the neck giving me a hicky . "Your so beautiful . " I said . "I love you . " she said . "I love you too . " I told her. We laid down on the bed and I unzipped her laundray . I looked at her tan body and said, "I'm the luckiest man in the world right now you know that . " I told her . She smiled and kissed me . "And I'm the luckiest girl world. " She said. I kissed her chest softly a held her closley to me as she pressed her self against me and kissed my kneck I then turned the light out and said , "I love so much ." And kissed her .

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