I love you

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Chapter 9
Rachels pov :
I ran out of the auditorium.  How could this happen ? I'm not still in love with Finn am I? I asked myself.  I can't be I'm with Noah I love Noah not Finn . I told myself . I was walking my locker when suddenly I was hit by a locker and everything went black . I woke up in the nurses office with my head pounding . I tried to sit up but I couldn't.  I looked up and saw Noah there putting and ice pack on my head. "Hey sleeping beauty.  " he said with a smile . "Hey . " I said softly . "What happened?" I asked . "You were walking to class and you slammed your head on a locker by accident. " He told me . "Thats why it feel like a ton of bricks landed on my head . " I said.  He smiled and gave my forehead a kiss , "Come on I'll drive you home . " He said . "Okay. " I and he took me to the  his car . We pulled up to my house and Noah looked at me and said , "Are you sure your okay ?" I smiled and said, "I'll be fine but thank you for driving me home . " He smiled and just as he was about to kiss me I stopped him , "I have to tell you something. " I said. "What is it ? " he asked worried . "Today I was rehearsing with Finn when suddenly he kissed me . " he looked at me upset , "I'm going to kill him." He said . "No Noah its not his fault I let him and I shouldn't have  . I'm so so sorry I never wanted to hurt you like that it's all my fault . I should've stopped him and I did thats why I hit my head because I ran to find you as soon as it happened so I could that I love you Noah Puckerman !" I blurted out . He smiled at me and kissed me passionatley, "I love you too Rachel Berry. "

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