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Chapter 11
Rachels pov :
"I just don't understand how this could have happened . " Finn told me as we sat in the auditorium chairs . "Its just I don't think I'm ready to be a dad correction I know I can't be a dad. "  he told me. "Finn , don't say that you and Quinn are going to be great parents and we're all going to be here for you guys especially Noah and I . " I told him. He looked at me , "I'm sorry Rach. " He said. "For what ? " I asked. "For breaking your hwart the way I did . " he said . I sighed , "Finn , I forgave you a while ago you don't have to apologize for being with Quinn . I'm happy now . " I said. He could tell I was lying , "I still love you  Rachel . " He told me . "I love you too Finn I always will but you need to be with Quinn she's havint your baby . " I said. "I know its just hard I'm only 17 . " he said . "I know , but you will always have me as a friend . " I said. He smiled , "I'm glad your my friend." He said. I smiled back , "Me too. " but rhe truth was I wanted to be more than friends .

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