The flashback

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Chapter 6
(The day Finn and Rachel broke up)
Rachels pov :
I was in my room when I got a text from Finn asking me to meet him at the park . 30 minutes later I was at the park on the bench when I saw Finn he looked sad almost like he was dissapointed.  I smiled at him and went a kiss but he avoided it . "Hey , are you okay ?" I asked. "We need to talk . " he told me . We then sat down on the bench he wouldn't even look at me . "Finn?" I asked. "Is everything okay? " I asked again . "Rachel , I have to tell you something . " He told me . "Okay , what is it?" I asked "After I say this your going to hate me but I'm breaking up with you . " he said . My heart shattered into a billion pieces,  suddenly I couldn't breath . "Wh.....what? " I said hoping that this was just somekind of horrible nightmare. "I'm breaking up with you. " he said.  "I don't understand why is it because I won't have sex with you ? " I asked. "No of course not." He said.  "Then why ? Don't you love me anymore ? Am I not good enough for you?" I asked . "No of course not Rach its just ... " I interruped him, "Just what ?" I asked in tears . "Its just I cheated on you with Quinn. " he told me . I got up immediately my hands were shaking at that point . I started to walk away when he grabbed my hand and before I knew it I slapped the shit out of him . "How could you ! " I yelled.  "You know that I loved you so much and that I  would do anything  for you and then you go and you cheat on me with her !" I yelled.  " I'm sorry it was an accident. " He told me . "No an accident is bumping into someone in the hall way you kissed her Finn knowingly!" I yelled. "Rachel I'm sorry what else could I do ? " He asked. "Well you can just stay the hell away from me and never talk to me again !" I yelled and then ran away .

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