The call

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Chapter 16
Finns pov :
I was at home in my room moping about Quinn.  How could she do that? I asked myself how could she just cheat on me with Puck like that my supposed best friend. I thought.  But then again maybe I deserve it I cheated on Rachel with Quinn .....oh god Rachel I hope she's okay she looked so hurt in the choir room. Maybe I should call her . I thought.  No she wouldn't want to talk to me , it would probably just remind her that I cheated . I thought . Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a ringing . It was my phone I grabbed it and picked it up, " hello? " I said. "Finn its Kurt . " he said sounding upset. "Whats up Kurt ?" I asked. "Its Rachel . " He said. My heart stopped , "Is she okay? " I asked. "No , Finn , Rachel got into  a really bad car accident. " He told me.  My heart dropped , "Where are you !" I asked . "Were at the hospital. " He said . I got up and grabbed my car keys , "I'll be there in five minutes. " and hung up mu phone and left .

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