The Acceptance letter

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Chapter 22
(5 months later )
Rachels pov :
This morning I woke and went for a jog . When I came back from my jog I went to my mail box and got the mail. I pulled out the mail and saw a huge envelope from my dream school NYADA Institute of dramatic arts. I smiled I tried out for NYADA back in January and I didn't think I get in but this could be it my chance to go to New York City and be on broadway. I opened the letter and read ,
" Dear Ms.Rachel Berry ,
Congratulations, you Rachel Berry have been accepted to the finance of New York Academy Of Fine Arts. We here at NYADA feel that you , Rachel Berry deserve a scholarship of, $5,670 . We hope that you consider being apart of our family here at NYADA and hope you join us this coming fall. Congratulations!
Sincerely , Carmen Tibido Dean of NYADA performing art academy. "
I smiled wide and screamed with excitement. I then ran inside and called Kurt . "Hello? " He said. "I GOT INTO NYADA!!!!" I yelled excitedly. "Omg! Rachel thats amazing congrats! " "I know have you heard anything from NYU ?" I asked. "Yeah I got in !" He yelled. "Thats amazing Kurt were going to New York City together . " I said. "I know !" He said happily . "I can't believe it!" I said happy . "Have you told Finn yet ?" He asked. I paused . "No I totally forgot with everything thats going on . " I told him . "Rachel you should tell him . " he said . "I am . " I said. I just don't know how . I thought

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