Marry me

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Chapter 28
Finns pov :
I smiled at the beautiful brunette and pulled the ring out of my pocket and said , "Marry me?" Her eyes widen and she looked at me , "Is this a joke ?" She asked me. I chuckled , "No its not a joke . Rachel Berry I am in love with you 100 % totally in love with you . I love everything about you and I know that we're young but you and I are meant to be . I would anything for you Rachel I love you . " I told her . "I love you too but what about college ? " She asked. I smiled, "What if I told you thay I can going to New York with you . " I said "What are you talking about ? " She asked . "I applied to NYU and I got in. " I told her. She smiled, "Really for me why ?" She asked . "Because I love you Rachel and without you I have nothing in my life you , Rachel Barbra Berry are my world and without you I am nothing. I will do anything for you , I wanna marry you and I wanna live in a little shoe box apartment in New York and I wanna have tons and tons of babys with you , I wanna grow old with you because you and I are forever . So please I have thought this through so many times and I love you so much so pleade just marry me ? " I asked. She smiled and kissed me passionatley , "Okay I will marry you. " she said . I smiled widely, "Really ? " I said. She smiled , "Yes of course I'll marry you Finn Hudson . " She told me . I put the ring on her finger stood up and kissed her passionatly and said , " I love you so much . " She smiled , "I love you more. " she said . "Not possible. " I told her and kissed her passionatly.

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