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Chapter 24
( 1 week later )
Rachels pov :
Prom is tonight and I think tonight is the night that Finn and I will finally do it . I've been making him wait for a while now.  But I love him so much and what better way to show him that then give him the one thing that no one else will ever get . I was at my house with all the girls from glee club getting ready . Finn and the boys are going to pick us up in the limo . I was in the bathroom doing my make up when someone knock on the door I opened it , it was Quinn.  I haven't really spoken to Quinn after the whole thing with Finn. "Hey Quinn. " I said timidly . "Can we talk?" She asked . "Yeah . " I said to the 8j month pregnant girl . I closed the door and said, "Whats up? " I asked her . "I wanted to apoligize.  " She said. "For what ? " I asked.  "For being an awful friend to you. I shouldn't have kissed Finn or had sex with Puck . You were my best friend Rachel and I miss having you around . I need you to be my friend again I don't want to be left alone with this baby.  Please Rachel be my best friend again . " she begged . "Why did you take him away Quinn . " I asked . "Why did you kiss Finn . You were my bestest friend in the entire world and when you betrayed me like that it hurt alot  . " I said. "I know and I am so so sorry for that and for doing it with Puck I was just in a bad place and I did the worst thing I could do betray you . " she said . At this point we were both in tears . "I forgive you Quinn. " I said.  "You do ?" She said. "Of course I do.  You are my best friend no matter what plus someone's got to be there when you give birth to my beautiful neice . " I said.  She hugged me tightly,  "thank you so much Rachel. " She said.  I smiled and said, "Come on we better fix our make up.  " I said.  We chuckled and fixed are make up. 20 minutes later we were all down stairs waiting for the boys my mom and dad were taking pictures of us . The door bell rang and my dad opened the door and said , "Come on in guys. " and they all walked in. Finn looked at me and smiled he came up to me with a corsage, "Wow , you " he said.  I blushed and said, "Thanks you don't look so bad yourself. " I said. He smiled and kissed me . "Awww Hank get a picture of these two love birds." My mom said . My dad then came over and said, "Okay you two smile . " we both smiled as he clicked the camera.  "Okay now everyone get together . " my mom said . We all got together and they took pictures. After 20 minutes later of taking pictures we finally got into the limo and left for the prom . We got to the prom and it was so beautiful.  "So Quinn and I are friends again. " I told Finn . "Thats awesome I'm so happy you two made up. " he said .  "Maybe you and Puck can make up now . " I suggested.  "Rachel it's complicated . "  he said. "Please just make it better he's your best friend . " I said "Okay but only for you . " he said. "Thank you . " I said. "Rachel come on it's time to sing ! " Santana said . I  smiled , "I'll be right back . " I told him and kissed him on the cheek . Santana, Quinn , Brittney, Tina , Mercedes, and I then went to the stage , "Hello McKinley high school are you ready to party. "  Santana asked . They all cheered , "hit it !" Mercedes said and the band started :
( Rachel )
Hey heart on the road again
Moving on... forward
See the stars, won't break the bones
They're in the car... on the highway
It's so magical feeling, that no one's got a hold
Your heart can list the all, happiness you know
This is your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
It's your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
And the whole wide world is whistling
(Santana and Quinn )
Hey heart on the run again
Drive is strong... anywhere
Stick and stones won't take his course
Sky's the ball and it fits in
It's the best of world's feeling, like nothing can go wrong
You're the saddle of the world you don't get to know
Cause it's your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
It's your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
And the whole wide world is whistling
(Mercedes and Rachel )
Hey heart on the road again
On a highway, on a highway
Hey heart on the road again
On a highway, on a highway
Cause it's your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
And it's your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
And the whole wide world is whistling
(End song )
Everyone clapped and cheered for us.  Later we were all dancing  I was dancing with Finn when principal Figgins went to the stage and said , "I ask that all prom king and queen canidates come to the stage . " Finn looked at me , "Go ahead. " I said.  He then went up to the stage with all the other nominees.  "Now you're prom king is  ..... Mr.Finn Hudson! " everyone clapped and cheered as they gave Finn his sash and crown.  "Now for the moment we've been waiting for your prom queen is.....hmmm looks like the winner is .... Rachel Berry. " Everyone looked at me as the spotlight hit me . "Rachel Berry . " he called again . I went up to the stage as everyone awkwardly clapped for me . They put the crown and sash on me and then Principal Figgins said , "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present to you your 2012 prom King and Queen . " everyone clapped for us . "Now as Queen and King you may have your  first dance . " he told us everyone clear a path and watched us as Sam sang Thinking out loud. "Is this some kind of cruel joke am I going to get pigs blood spilled on me like in Carrie ?" I asked him.  "Hey look at me . " he said. "You deserve this . You are smart and sexy and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else tonight . " he told me. "I love you. " I told him. "I love you too . " he said . The song ended and I kissed Finn and said, " Come on lets get out of here . " and I took his hand and we walked to the loby of the hotel.

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