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Chapter 10
( 3 months later ) 
Rachels pov :
I walked into the choir room and saw Mercedes , Brittney, Santana, Kurt and Artie around the piano . They all quiet when I came in and they looked at me , "Hey guys what up ?" I asked "Quinn pregnant! " Brittney blurted out. "Shut up Brittney! " they all yelled . I looked at Kurt , "What does she mean Quinns pregnant? " I asked him.  He sighed and looked at me , "You might want  to sit down for this honey . " He told me . "Okay . " I said a little nervous and confused. I  sat down and kurt sat across from me , "Okay Rachel we all love and we don't want you freak out but Quinn is pregnant with Finns baby. " He said . My heart nearly broke I couldn't take it anymore I needed to talk to Finn , "Excuse me . " I said and I ran out . I was looking all over for Finn but I couldn't find him where is he I asked myself . Suddenly it dawned on me the one place Finn goes when he's upset or flustered the auditorium.  I opened the auditorium door and saw Finn sitting at the edge of the stage looking confused and nervous.  I sat down next to him and said , "It's going to be okay . " He looked at me and then suddenly broke down crying.  I held him tight as he cried on my shoulder this was the first time I've seen him cry and as much as I was upset I knew I needed to be there for him and Quinn .

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