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Chapter 27
Rachels pov :
We were at the hotel packing up to go back home when Quinn froze and yelled, "Rachel!" . I ran over to her and said , "Quinn are you okay ? " "its time !" She said panicky. "What! " I yelled. "My water just broke !" She yelled . "Okay Quinn I need you to breath . " I said. "Mercedes go get Puck, Santana go get Mr.Shue and tell him Quinns in labor and we'll meet him at the hospital . " I said calmly . " Come Quinn lean on my shoulder we'll get you a taxi . " I said and I helped her out and too the elevator. We were in the elevator when Quinn screamed . "OH MY GOD IT HURTS SO BAD !" "Breathe Quinn okay you'll be fine we're almost to the lobby. " I said. We finallt got out to the lobby and there was a taxi there . I opened the door Quinn went in and then me. "Where to?" The driver asked. "The hospital" I said "And hurry!" Quinn added . Finally we were at the hospital I got a wheel chair for Quinn and went the receptionist and said, "Excuse my best friend is in labor and we need to get her to a room ASAP . " I told her . "Well ma'am you'll have to wait five minutes. " she said . "LISTEN BITCH I DON'T HAVE MINUTES I'M IN LABOR NOW!" Quinn screamed. "You heard her . " I said. "Fine . Come with me . " she said and just as she was about to get the nurse Puck , Mr.Shue, Finn , and everyone else came bursting through the door. "Quinn !" Puck yelled . "NOAH !" she yelled . "Whos this ?" The nurse asked. "The babies daddy . " I told her . "Okay you and you come with me. " she told them . "Wait , not without Rachel . " Quinn said grabbing my hand . "Me?" I asked. "I'm not having this baby with out my best friend / my babies godmother . " She said. "Okay lets go . " I said and we followed the doctor. 30 minutes later Quinn was holding her baby girl in a pink little blanket . We were all surrounding her and then Santana said , "So have you guys decided on a name yet?" Quinn looked at Puck and then said , "Well we decided to name her Elizabeth Rose Puckerman or Beth for short. " "I like it . " Finn said . "Me too. " I said. "Rach you wanna hold her ? " Quinn asked. "I don't know . " I said. "Oh come on god mom I gotta get a picture. " Finn said . "Okay give me my god daughter. " I said. And she gentley handed her over to me . I smiled as she looked at me with her beautiful green eyes , "Hi baby, I'm your Aunty Rachel . I'm going to spoil you rotten and give you lot of love . " I said in my baby voice . "Let me get a picture. " Finn said . "1...2...3..." and he snapped the camera. I smiled and said, "You want to hold her Finn ?" I asked. "If its okay with Quinn ?" He asked. "Go for it after all you're her god dad . " she said . He smiled and sat down and I handed him baby and then took a picture . "Thats a keeper . " I said. Later we're all out in the hall way giving Quinn and Puck time alone with Beth . I was looking at the babies when Finn came over and said , "Do you want one ? " I smiled, "Someday when I'm ready . " I said. "What about getting married ? " "Yeah if it was the right guy . " I told him . "Why do you ask?" I asked him . He smiled then suddenly got down on one knee and said , "Well I was hoping that you would do me the honor and marry me. "

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